Michael Flor
From Rancho San Diego (Artist)
I don’t want Brown or Whitman, but I’ll have to go for her because Brown scares me. He’s just too old; he’s done it too long.

Brian Johnson
From Pacific Beach (Sales Rep)
Meg Whitman, absolutely. I like that she started from a small corporate company and built it into a huge company. I’d think she’d know how to manage people and budgets and things like that. The Browns and the other people that have been in politics...it’s just kind of the same-old same-old. She’s definitely getting my vote. She’s a super-wealthy woman, so that’s even more attractive [laughs]. I’m a Democrat, but I don’t vote for party lines; I just vote for the person I think represents what I believe in.

Jason Froehlich
From Sacramento (Business Owner)
I’m voting for Meg Whitman, and the reason why is because she’s taken a very small business and grown it into a Fortune 500 company — and during a dot-com era, too. Everybody’s worried about her cutting jobs, but not necessarily is she going to cut important jobs. The ones that need to be cut need to be cut anyway. Our state needs help. It’s not that I don’t like Jerry; it’s that Jerry’s a career politician. Meg Whitman has performed. I don’t think Jerry Brown’s going to be able to lead this state out of the crisis that we’re in. I think he’s going to pull it down further, and it [would] be an economic disaster for California, for the nation, and then for the world.

Johnny Barner
From North Park (Unemployed)
I actually would like another candidate. I think they both suck pretty bad. His history’s not good overall, and I think she’s buying the campaign. Of either option, I would take him over her, but I wish there was a viable third option. I’m Democratic through my voting history, but I’m actually more independent. I always vote for whoever I think is the most qualified.

Daniel Garcia
From College Area (Valet)
I know a little bit about Meg Whitman...she’s a Republican...eBay. But I don’t know...I’m probably not going to vote for her even though she’s going to win. I feel like she’s going to win because she’s got the biggest pull. I’m most likely going to vote for Jerry Brown.

Ella Wins
From Little Italy (Sales Assistant)
California has been so screwed up, there’s no way it can go any way but up. So, I’m fine with whoever’s chosen. I am going to vote, but I haven’t decided who to vote for yet. I get the voter book and vote at home, so I don’t have the pressure of people looking at me. They’re going to judge you no matter what. I’m a mailer-voter person. I always do it on the very last day. I’m going to be reading and circling. It’s kind of like cheating on a test. I don’t care about the odds. I don’t care that that chick came from Google or wherever she came from.