Justin Donald
From Little Italy (Division Manager)
Having concubines. That was a big, heated battle in the kingdom. I thought we were supposed to have a kingdom — and kings have concubines. That didn’t go over so well. We haven’t finalized it yet. The prenup’s not finalized, either.

Raul Sanchez
From Little Italy (Realtor)
We fought about a dinner. It was something just stupid. We were going to make a salad. Tom was going to make a salad out of tomato and cucumber, and I said, “Well, we’ve got to use lettuce.” And he said, “Well, I don’t want to add lettuce.” Anyway, it was just stupid, stupid.

Jordan Kethley
From Downtown (Navy)
She asked me in a weird way if I was going to take the trash out. And I told her the best thing about fighting was making up later. She was, like, “Is that a no?” And I said, “No, I’m not taking the trash out.” That was the fight — whether or not I was going to take the trash out.

Farrah Chery
From Mission Hills (Physician)
It’s really, really ridiculous. I’m Haitian and he’s learning Haitian-Creole. There was a word that neither of us were sure what it meant. He thought it meant something, and I was absolutely sure it didn’t mean that. Basically it killed his “I’m learning Creole” mood for days.

Ben Susman
From Hillcrest (Unemployed Lawyer)
I’d say it was probably about fast-forwarding the Phillies game on TiVo.

Melita Hayes
From Mission Hills (Student)
She wanted me to stop playing video games, and I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to give up the remote!