Robert Joseph
From Mission Valley (Architect)
Getting pecked to death by turkeys. Turkeys…I mean, it would take a long time! And they’re really quite vicious. I was confronted once and I’ve never forgotten it. I used to think getting eaten by a shark would be the worst way to die, but then I realized that’d be really quick — although very violent, relative to being pecked by turkeys. It’d just be a lot longer. Once you couldn’t try to fend them off anymore, there’d probably be a good 20 minutes of just being pecked and scratched. And there’s a humiliation factor there because they’re turkeys.

Frank Melching
From South Park (Nuclear Mechanic)
The worst way to die would be, I guess, not knowing you’re dead. The French would guillotine people, correct? Well, the head doesn’t die for two minutes. Sucks, huh? Can’t talk; can’t do shit but just sit there and expire. You know you’re in trouble. But some people actually look forward to where they’re going next. Like they have a choice.

Paulina Urias
From Chula Vista (Student)
My fear has always been being stranded in the middle of the ocean, because there’s nothing you can do about it. You can’t call anybody; you can’t really provide for yourself. I’ve thought about it before. It’s just the thought of being out there in the middle of nowhere by yourself and there’s nothing you can do. And then, there’s sharks, too. It’s a scary way to die.

Harvey Selverston
From Clairemont (Retired)
A long, excruciating, painful death like cancer would be the worst way to die. I always like Woody Allen’s line, “I don’t mind dying, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” I think a quick death, like a heart attack, or something where you die in your sleep would be much preferred to some long, drawn-out type of death.

Hassan Jama
From North Park (Respiratory Therapy Student)
Being left alone by your own family. They should be there, you know? I’ve seen a lot of these things because I work in a hospital. I’ve seen so many people left to social workers and nursing homes to deal with them. I keep asking myself, Don’t these people have families? That’s not a good way to die. Your loved ones should be close to you when you’re going.

Poeshae Eugene Smith
From Downtown (Door Security)
Being in an earthquake or being buried alive would be the worst way to die. I haven’t been in an earthquake, but it’s my biggest fear. I was born in Mississippi, where they’ve got tornadoes and hurricanes — so I guess it’s better than that, but you could still be buried alive. And with tornadoes and hurricanes you can kind of prepare. I guess it’s not really earthquakes…it’s being buried alive that would be the worst.