Stacey Elson
From Vista (Marketing Associate)
I did, actually, and I had to leave because I fainted twice on the jury. I had to get out because I kept fainting. It was all the blood. It was a rape case. One time was when they were just showing all the gory panties and the — all the gross stuff. And another time was when she was testifying and talking about the ripping of — ugh. All I know is I was sitting there, and all of a sudden — you know how you start to get hot and you’re sweating? The bailiff looked over at me — I must’ve been pale — and he said, “Are you okay?” I was, like, “No!” That happened twice, and I said, “You know, this isn’t fair to either party. I think I need to leave.” They stopped the trial and let me recover. They put this big fan next to me. The poor woman who was sitting next to me, I felt so sorry for her because the fan was blowing really hard on her. I finally just looked at her and I was, like, “I can’t stop the trial more than twice.” And they let me leave.

Janice Spradley
From Solana Beach (Caregiver)
No, never have. For years and years they wouldn’t take me because of my being married to a police officer. They wouldn’t take me by association. They may now, but I have elderly parents that I’ve been caring for for the last ten years, and they honor the fact that you take care of your parents, and you don’t have to go.

Doug Blunck
From Encinitas (Construction)
Yep. Twice. One was elderly abuse. It was a guilty verdict, but I felt bad because the guy was cuckoo. He was pushing his parents around. He was cuckoo, but he was still guilty. That lasted about a week. The other one was a drunk-driving case. It was a day or two. That one was guilty also. He was just a drunk. He didn’t do anything wrong — I mean, he did wrong — but there were no injuries or anything — it wasn’t anything gnarly.

Kelly Blunck
From Encinitas (Teacher)
I think I’ve only been asked once, and at the time I was a full-time student. I don’t know what it is. I moved a few times; I don’t know if I missed it in change of address or what, but I’ve only been asked once and I was a full-time student. It worked out well for me! Although I am kind of curious, and I think it might be something interesting to do one day...just an experience we kind of should do as citizens.

Wendy Weitzel
From Jacksonville, Oregon (Property Manager)
Yes, I have! A guy had been caught making counterfeit checks, and when they came in to confiscate all of the check-making stuff, they found a meth pipe. Then that gave them the ability to get a search warrant and search the house, and then they found paraphernalia and cocaine and stuff. I was chosen because I’m a mom, and he had a girlfriend who had just had a baby, so they thought I would have some sympathy toward the defendant. But also the prosecution liked me because they asked me if you should get a ticket if you get pulled over for speeding in a 20 zone and you’re only going 21 or 22, and I said, “Yes. You were breaking the law and you were caught.” He wasn’t convicted of the counterfeiting. This was for the meth pipe and the coke. Beyond a reasonable doubt, he was guilty. It was very cool. I felt all-American.

Audrey Norling
From Coronado Heights (Client Rep)
Yes. There’s been several. I’m always selected, like, within the first minute I sit down. The whole process is very quick. Of course, there’s some [cases] where I haven’t been selected, but of course they have their way of weeding you out. One was a nursing home case…a guardian was saying something bad happened under their care. Another one was a double rape and homicide — that was years ago — it was very complicated. And one was a simple…you know, an after-the-Padre-game type thing. It’s tough listening to some of that stuff.