Anna Gayle
From Linda Vista (Barrista)
I do Facebook. I used to do MySpace, and I tried Twitter, but I feel like Twitter’s just like my Facebook — everybody always knows what I’m doing anyway. I feel like Facebook is a little bit better than MySpace. It’s not quite so juvenile. Facebook is good because you can show people what’s going on in your life and you can update people you don’t see every day, but it’s without the pictures and banners on MySpace. I’m a constant Facebooker. I have it on my BlackBerry; it’s a favorite page on my laptop. I was actually checking my Facebook as you came up to me. I’m a constant Facebooker.

Oscar Castillo
From Downtown (Canvasser)
MySpace. I go on it every day; I’m still heavily active; I still have all my 1400-plus friends. Some of my friends have Facebook and stuff, but it’s not as fun as MySpace. You can have music on your page on MySpace; you can deck it out any type of way that you like to decorate it out. Facebook is very plain and I don’t like it. Only reason I have Facebook is because my boss said we had to have it, but I still don’t go on it. Some people have actually gotten big off MySpace. It’s very good for promotional use. If people are trying to get their projects out there, MySpace is very big — I think that rapper Soulja Boy got big off MySpace. It does wonders for people. You’ve got so many millions of people on it, and if the right person hears it, then, hey, you have a career!

Danny Flood
From HIllcrest (Consultant)
I’m on Facebook. I use Twitter, too, though. Facebook is the third largest country in the world, behind India and China. Twitter is more of a novelty. As far as connecting with people, I can find LaDainian Tomlinson on Facebook, or Shawne Merriman — people I follow, people I admire. MySpace lost touch with their customers. You’re getting spammed by big profiles, marketers; it became a bad way to stay in touch. They kind of lost touch with their message, their base. The problem is they’re not getting much traffic on their site anymore. They would need to do a complete overhaul. They would have to redo everything, redo their brand, their whole program, if they wanted to reclaim their market share. They’ve lost brand equity to Facebook and Bebo and other different social-networking sites.

Kendall Schrader
From Point Loma (Student)
Facebook! Most definitely! MySpace is over, and Twitter is just annoying to me. It’s not that interesting, and there’s more stuff to do on Facebook. No one says anything on Twitter. It’s, like, “Oh, going to the mall.” That’s it. They don’t say anything. It’s just not that interesting.

Michael Alvarez
From Skyline (Recycling Associate)
I don’t have anything. Well, I have MySpace, but I haven’t checked it in, like, a month. It’s, like, when something’s in style, it’s in style, and when it’s out, it’s out and everyone’s done with it. I’ve never gotten up on Twitter or Facebook. All my friends are on it. Sometimes I actually want to do it because I see that they get all the messages and I don’t. We go out and they send a message to everybody and I never get it! I hear about it from someone else and I’m, like, “What happened?” “Well, it was on Facebook.” I gotta get on Facebook. I miss a lot of things, not being on it.

Cliff Londt
From University Heights (Interior Designer)
Facebook. I have a friend who was doing a lot of traveling and was actually helping out some kids in an orphanage in Thailand. The only way she would contact people was through her Facebook page. So, that’s why I got started on Facebook. Ever since I got on that, it’s amazing how all these people come out of the woodwork — classmates from my high school and stuff. It’s kind of interesting. It’s been a welcome thing, but at the same time, I think it’s really interesting that people I never talk to are also contacting me wanting to be my friends on Facebook. Is it a popularity contest to see who has the most friends or something? Right now I have 120 or something like that, and I did nothing to get those friends. I just go on there once in a while, and I have all these friend requests. I did have a MySpace page, but I was never that interested in it.