Michael Donovan
From Winterhaven (Michael Donovan)
I go to a few different ones for news. I go to SignonSanDiego, SDReader, and SanDiegoNewsNetwork.com. I’ll hit Rotten Tomatoes to see what the latest movies are getting in the ratings and read what critics are saying about those films.

Trish Donnelly
From La Mesa (Waitress)
My favorites might sound weird or not very interesting. I go to Everyday Edisons. When the show was here in San Diego, I made it on. I didn’t reach the final cut, though. I go to Edison Nation, and like most people, I go to Craigslist. I like the free section. Oh, and I go to Tiger Gaming. They have a station for free games. I play poker. You can win 10 cents. It’s fun. I’m just an old fogy.

Susie Gray
From Crest (Waitress)
I don’t go to many. There’s really only two. I go to GTM. It’s a site that has coupons for various stores. I go there for the coupons to see what I can save money on. I also check the Nordstrom’s site for the shoe sales. Oh, and I go to our site...D.Z. Akin’s.

Jimmy Suess
From Serra Mesa (Contractor)
I am on eBay daily. I buy and sell stupid stuff. Everything you think is junk, I can sell. Anything you think is worth a lot, probably isn’t. You can’t imagine the stuff you can sell. The best deal I ever got was an old, rusty bike for $5. It was worth $1000. I also visit a site called fuckmylife.com. It’s funny.

Skylar Eppler
From Bay Park (Manager)
I go to a site called WhyPeopleareFat.com. It’s the best. They have all these weird things you can make. There’s a BLT with grilled cheese. They have lots of meat products. There’s a McNuggetini, which is a martini that has a chicken nugget as a garnish. I probably check out that site once a month. But I just had a baby, so I also go to BabyCenter.com. It shows me where the baby should be at certain points. So now I know that at five weeks, the baby notices their toes and smiles at you.

Shawn Khair
From Serra Mesa (Sales)
I go to a lot of the sites that everyone does. Stuff like Facebook and YouTube. That’s the bomb. Everyone uses it. I also visit EbaumsWorld. It’s a site that has funny jokes and videos. I’ve been going there for a long time. Then I got tired of it, but now I go back and check out the things they have up.