Jasmine Chavarri
From Downtown (Personal Assistant)
I’ve only shot a gun once. My parents ride motorcycles, and we were doing a poker run where you stop at various locations and get a different card. At the end you see who has the best hand. The first stop was at a gun range. They gave you the goggles and everything. It was a small handgun. I’m not sure what kind. And it had a kick, which was a bit shocking.

Terri Babin
From Pacific Beach (Stay-at-Home Mom)
My dad took me to a shooting range when I was 25. He thought it was important that I know how to shoot a gun. I have no clue what kind of gun it was. It was big, though, and left bruises all over my arms. My dad was a gun collector, and the place he took me was that range over on Morena Boulevard.

Jen Cooper
From Pacific Beach (Assistant)
The only time I shot was at a shooting range. I just did it once, and it was really scary. I thought we’d be messing around, having fun with the guns. But it’s not like that. Everyone takes it seriously. I even felt it was dangerous having it in my hand, knowing the power and what you could do with it. This was in Texas, when my brother was studying there for a year. I thought it would be harder to do, but it was easy. They didn’t ask your age or anything. I was surprised there weren’t age limits. They just asked what size gun you wanted.

B.K. Phillips
From Downtown (Security)
I have shot a gun about 10 to 12 times. It was when I was 12 or 13, in the Boy Scouts. It was to acquire the firearms badge. That was almost 28 years ago. I’m not crazy about guns and don’t feel comfortable with them. I wouldn’t mind shooting again, but who knows if I ever will.

Devon Wilson
From Solana Beach (Waitress)
I’m probably the worst person you can ask that question because I’ve never fired a gun before. I’ve never really had the desire to. And, it’s not like I’m with people that are hunters or that go out for target practice or anything. Maybe at some point I’ll shoot one. I just haven’t yet.

David Peel
From El Cajon (Butcher)
I first shot guns as a kid. My friends and I would go to the canyons and put a quarter on the ground and shoot it. The thing would be driven way into the dirt, and they’d have holes in them. We’d make necklaces. I’m a hunter now, so I’m shooting guns all the time. I really don’t care to get into any debate with losers that think we shouldn’t kill animals and eat them. I also grow tired of the debate on your right to bear arms. I own nine guns, and I use them all.