Fred Williams
From Little Italy (Software Project Manager)
No, and neither has anyone else. There’s no such thing as psychics, mind readers, or fortune tellers, and if there were they wouldn’t tell your fortune for ten bucks…they’d all be rich from predicting the stock market. It’s a bunch of psychological manipulation of gullible people. Cynical and nasty, if you ask me.

Jacqueline Cabuto
From Chula Vista (Legal Assistant)
I went once. It was an old lady who doesn’t charge you. She had this trailer with her cats. It was kind of creepy. She shuffled cards seven times. She told me about my past and things from my future. She said someone I cared about was in the hospital almost dying. My mom had a tumor, so I believed what she was saying. She said I’d meet a guy that was tall and dark, but he’d be no good for me. Two weeks later, that happened. I believe this woman was a real psychic.

Tracy Ibarreta
From San Diego (Medium)
I’ve been to them. And, I’m an active spiritualist medium for the past few years, and it’s very important to use this ability with positivity and good intention. There are different psychics with different styles of doing readings. A legit psychic would want the best for you and would never rip you off. I promote self-improvement to my clients and help them realize their own spiritual abilities because everyone has them.

Carla Dawson
From Scripps Ranch (Waitress)
I have never been to one. I have other things to spend my money on. I do believe in what they say, though. I know some people think they lie or they’re just trying to rip people off. And there are probably some like that. But I do think there are ones out there that know what they are doing.

Devin Haupt
From San Diego (Student)
I haven’t. And, I don’t think I know anyone that has either. I would go, though. Absolutely. Whether or not you believe them, well, it depends what you’re talking about. If you believe they’re talking to dead people. Or, if they are talking to people that are alive and answering questions about their future. Questions about what they do really can’t be answered.

Tad Straub
From Ocean Beach (Author)
No. But I am one myself. I can always pick things up that are in other people’s heads. I do that all the time. I always know how to please people. Sometimes I sense my mom can use a call. When I do, it turns out I’m right. I feel that most psychics are shysters, though. When people started charging…well, that’s why on those commercials they have that disclaimer that says it’s only for entertainment.