Sherry Wilkerson
From La Mesa (Loan Officer)
It’s Monopoly. I love the fact that you can control everything. And you can do so many versions of the game. You can play it like it’s a crazy eight. You can have teams or get into marathon games. The properties I like to own are the ones right after Go, the cheap ones. You can put hotels on them, and everyone seems to land on them. I also like Broadway and Park Place. I like most of the properties on the corners.

Kim Smith
From Pacific Beach (Public Relations)
My favorite game is Sorry. It’s simple, and you can play it drunk. We actually have a version we have made into a drinking game. We’ve also had variations like Strip Sorry, where clothes come off. I also like Connect Four, although we haven’t made a drinking version of that. My dad recently found our original Sorry game when he cleaned out the shelves in the garage.

Jessica Holland
From Downtown (Student)
It’s definitely Boggle. I love word games, like Scrabble. But ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved playing Boggle. It’s never the same, since different letters come up each time. And you only have a limited time to find the various words. I’ve had so many arguments playing that game, because I do a word that someone doesn’t think is a real word. We end up going to the dictionary.

Elle Leary
From San Diego (Fashion Designer)
It’s a toss-up between Twister and Jenga. Some people get all stressed out playing Jenga, but it’s a lot of fun. And how can you not like Twister? You get random people’s body parts in your face. That’s always nice.

Denise Valdez
From San Diego (Medical Assistant)
I like Monopoly and Scattegories. I think Scattegories is becoming more popular, although it will never be as big as Monopoly was. In Scattegories, you have a different letter of the alphabet, and everyone has a bunch of things they have to write down that start with that letter. And you have a short time to do that, and you can’t write down an answer someone else has, so you have to try and be creative.

Mark Camacho
From North Park (Self-Employed)
The first thing that pops into my mind is Monopoly. I haven’t played it in a long time, though. My favorite game was probably this rock ’n roll trivia game I once had. The company made movie-themed ones, too. I ended up selling it, although I have a KISS trivia game now. Speaking of KISS, the rock trivia game did have some info wrong. It listed the bassist of KISS as Paul Stanley. Sometimes my friends just thought I got the answer wrong, because I was claiming the game had it wrong.