Tammi Hunt
From North Park (Phlebotomist)
I have two choices. Can I pick two? I like Superman because he’s an alien. He’s on the outside looking in on humanity. Even though he was raised here, it’s like he’s an outsider. And I’d have to also pick Wonder Woman because she’s a strong female character. She flies her own plane. She was also a princess.

Brian Murphy
From Downtown (Security)
My favorite…I’m not as into superheroes. I grew up in Ireland, where they aren’t nearly half as popular as they are here. The films do okay but not the comic books so much. So if I pick a favorite, it’s probably going to be Batman. And that’s based on the movies I’ve seen, not from reading comic books or anything.

Ashley Greene
From Orange County (Credit Union)
My favorite is Night Wing. He was the first Robin from Batman and Robin. They had a falling out, and he became his own person. It was a coming-of-age thing. That might be why I liked it. He was the first of three different Robins and by far my favorite.

Raul Faria
From Las Vegas (Bartender)
I like Spiderman. He doesn’t kill the bad guys. And it must be hard not to. I’m sure it would be a lot easier if he could just terminate them. I guess a few different superheroes don’t kill. Some of the Marvel guys will eliminate a bad guy. I do enjoy the comics a lot more than the TV and movie versions.

Julie Thomas
From San Diego (Promotions)
I like this one superhero, but I can’t think of her name right now. It’s right on the tip of my tongue. She’s not one of the more popular characters. Oh, well, I can’t think of her name, so I’ll just go with Wonder Woman. I have to say one of the women characters, and she’s the only other one I can think of right now. The one I wanted to pick was a Marvel character. She just wasn’t that popular.

Dani Richardson
From Carlsbad (Waitress)
I’m not the biggest superhero fan. I know everyone around my work likes Batman most. I don’t think that’s just because of the movie being out right now either. I like the fact that he doesn’t have all those powers that the other superheroes have. He’s a regular, average Joe that’s fighting crime, in the people’s eyes.