Cathy Baron
From Pacific Beach (Navy)
I spent the night in a frat house. It was at San Diego State. I don’t know how it is now, but this was back when women weren’t allowed to stay overnight. I didn’t get caught. Well, not by school officials or anything. A few of the other guys did see me, though. It was only that one time that I can remember.

Stefano Fontana
From La Jolla (Student)
Yes. I have been to a gay club. I didn’t know what it was when I walked in. I think I realized right away and left within five seconds. There’s also this beach in Bellagio. Not the Las Vegas one, the real one. George Clooney bought the house there, and now, nobody is allowed on it. We’ll walk on the beach and security starts yelling at us, and we just tell them we’re leaving.

Christina Wallace
From Carlsbad (Mason)
In Washington, D.C. It was the Fourth of July, and it was a little persons’ convention at a fancy hotel. I had no business being there, since I’m 5’8”. I convinced them I had a rare disorder of dwarfism and gigantism and because of that, I’m rejected from both sides.

Erica Sievert
From El Cajon (Student)
I snuck into the movies once. I was with my sister, and she actually dragged me in there. We had just gotten out of one show, and another one was starting. It was so many years ago that I don’t remember the movie now. And I’ll only admit this because she talked me into doing it.