Joe Murphy
From Brea (Educator)
It is something I've thought about. I mean, think about it, man, it's such a vast universe. And, to think, the planet is just like a speck, dude. It's like a pinhead in this huge universe. I don't know if the government is covering stuff up or not. People talk about that Area 51 or whatever. I just know there's so much out there we have yet to discover and know about.

Ted George
From El Cajon (Landscaping)
My guess is no, they don't exist. But I think it would be fun to see one. I'm still waiting to be proven wrong after all these years. And, yeah, it would be cool to be wrong on this one. Someone needs to get some solid proof and not just fake-looking photos and film clips. And so many people have video cameras or cell phones with cameras that you'd think we'd be seeing some photos by now.

Damon Hyde
From El Cajon (Computer IT)
It doesn't sound impossible. But if they really want to kick us off Earth or take over, they wouldn't just be landing here and probing our butts. That just isn't very logical. And I've never seen any UFOs. I mean, I live in El Cajon, so I've seen a lot of strange things, but not aliens from space.

Michael Palombo
From Santee (Student)
I believe in them, yeah. I've never seen one, but I think anything is possible. I think the universe is too big for there to just be humans. Just look up at the stars in the night sky. Look at how vast it is. And, when others say they've seen UFOs, I tend to believe them.

Jason Molin
From Mira Mesa (Waiter)
I wish you could talk to my manager. She could tell you some stories. She has a bunch of them. She'd talk to you for hours. I've never seen one. Are they out there? Oh, yeah. It's possible, sure. Somewhere out there, I have to think there could be some life forms other than just humans.

Andrew Carlson
From Mission Valley (Waiter)
It would be ignorant for anyone to think we're alone in the universe. So, yeah, I definitely believe in that stuff. And I hear so much talk about it to not believe. I've just never seen one myself. And, hey...as long as they don't blow up our planet, I don't have any problems with them.