Melanie Donovan
From Mira Mesa (Secretary)
It would probably be Adam and Eve. Everything else that happened in history, you can't narrow down to one event. Could you pick just one war? And what about slavery? You can't just talk about the Dutch traders in Africa and slavery in America, because slavery has been going on in some form for a millennium. But, if Adam and Eve didn't succumb to Satan's temptation, they'd still be in the Garden of Eden. And human lives wouldn't have the ugliness in them that they do.
Judy Donovan
From Mira Mesa (Medical Field)
Maybe the death of Princess Di. It touched so many lives. And two young boys lost their mother. She was so giving and impacted everyone around the world.
Heather Adams
From Housewife (Housewife)
Going to war in Iraq. My husband's been there twice, the first time for six and a half months. He's there now and has been for over two months. A few of our good friends have died over there. Although, maybe I could get into trouble for saying that.
Llanee Anderson
From Murietta (Student)
I don't know how you could choose just one event. The number-one thing would probably be the Holocaust. That was the worst. Second, Bush's approach to war in Iraq. I understand why we're there but for this amount of time doesn't seem right.
Lindsey Ibarra
From Murietta (Student)
I would pick 9/11. It was such a horrible thing that happened. Aside from thousands of people dying, it created the war, with thousands also dying in that. Although, I'm half and half on picking that event to change. I think some good things came out of it. Maybe if 9/11 didn't happen, our country wouldn't be as united as it is today.
Jessica Regis
From Murietta (Student)
I would have to go with slavery and the whole segregation thing. To think that using a bathroom, water fountain, or eating in certain restaurants and going to schools could be decided based on took way too long for our country to correct that.