Dear Matthew Alice: What's up with the musicians I occasionally see under the bridge over Friars Road at the end of Mission Center Road? I don't get it, are the acoustics that great there or …
Straight from the Hip
Archived articles
HeyMatt: Is there a doomsday for analog type TVs? Seems that I read that on January 1st, 2006, that 8 to 10 million televisions will go blank due to new FCC rules and all TVs …
HeyMatt: I was thinking about restaurants and how the wait staff all have clever versions of the "Happy Birthday" song. I've heard all the talk about how copyrights won't allow them to sing it. So …
Hey Matt: Where and when did the custom of wearing ties start? When were they deemed important in social circles? What a pain in the ass they are. -- Bob, the net We traditionally blame …
Dear Matthew Alice: I read that back in the 1920s, the Jehovah's Witnesses bought a house in San Diego. Is this house still here? Do the Witnesses still own it? -- DMH, San Diego They …
Heymatt: Does anyone know the history behind the lips painted on the rock going out of Lemon Grove at Lemon Grove Avenue and High street? I'm 34 years old and always remember the lips being …
Hey Matt: What makes the loudest noise? I think it's an H bomb, but my girlfriend thinks it's a big volcano. Or is it our argument about this question? Please help! -- Andy, South Park …
Heymatt: I've always wondered how come liquor doesn't freeze in the freezer, how come? - Drunk and confused in Santee Matt: I'm only eight, but I've noticed that ice cubes have little peaks in them. …
Dear Matthew Alice: Why on earth do I get hiccups immediately after eating starchy foods? Bread, pasta, potatoes, tortilla chips... anything with lots of starch will do it! I have friends who report the same …
Matt; A brilliant school teacher in 1957 told the class something no one had ever heard. The Russian "Sputnik" was coming. It did. He also said that man is so brilliant he can change the …
Dear Matthew Alice: I think I've asked every short-order cook, waitress, chef, bus boy, whoever, for years this question, and nobody's ever been able to tell me. Why, WHY are restaurant coffee pots for decaf …