Rolando news & stories
Pha Khao Lao serves San Diego's next great noodle soup
It didn't used to be the case that I spent much time distinguishing neighborhoods such as Rolando Park or Redwood Village. Time was, I might go looking for food in …
Bisbas Restaurant surprises with big portions and Somali flavors
Surprises were easier to come by before the internet. In most cases these days, by time I sit down to try a new restaurant, I've already researched its menu, read …
Rolando Knolls Drive is “like a pillow for your head at night”
Rolando Knolls Drive, west of 70th and north of University, is a secret pocket of contentment. The street is shaped like a candy cane and holds about 55 homes. Anyone …
Rolando has the real cool catwalks
“Come on. Get your shoes on!” I called to my husband Jim as I stood by our front door. I could hear him grumbling from the other room. We are …
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