Resumes and Job Hunting
Are you ready for a football job?
Even if you’re too skinny or the wrong sex to make it as a linebacker in the NFL you can still have a career in football. With a background in …
San Diego at the forefront of a hot job market
Biomedical engineer is the hot job for the next five years or so, but what type of degree does it take? More importantly, what the heck is a biomedical engineer? …
I've regained my confidence
Sherry Luft is a participant and founding member of the Job Seekers Club at South Metro Career Center. Let’s start with what line of work you’re in. How and when …
People don’t buy what you do
Kim Mohiuddin, chief career storyteller at Movin’ On Up Résumés, compares the résumé to the curriculum vitae and offers tips for both. Let’s start with the brief answer to the …