North County Coastal
Oceanside Unified School District suspended sexual health instruction for grades K-6 Monday (June 18) after getting feedback from parents and community members through an online and written survey. Acting Superintendent Reggie Thompkins announced, “The district …
Minnesota placekicker Fred Cox invented the Nerf football in 1972. Nerf soon became associated with safe and soft athletics. Today, the weapon of choice for surf jousting is not actually a Nerf product; the soft …
Over 250 residents packed the Encinitas city council chambers, an overflow room, and a large patio outside city hall. 90 speakers signed up to address the council. At issue at the June 20 meeting, California’s …
If Oceanside residents who occupy some 2,500 mobile home spaces think they have housing security, maybe they should think again. The 57-space Catalina Mobile Home park on Coast Highway in South Oceanside has been razed …
A man standing in the parking lot of a busy Oceanside hotel on a Friday afternoon was actually a felon in possession of a 9mm Ruger handgun, according to testimony today, Thursday June 21, 2018. …
For lovers of Americana, memorabilia, or plain ol’ junk, the display of collections is the coolest place at the San Diego County Fair. The Home & Hobby Show is out of the sun and in …
“I had just came back from the grocery store,” said Gary. The two-door car that belonged to the boyfriend of his housemate Katie was there. “His vehicle was in the driveway.” Katie had her own …
Whether the original members of As I Lay Dying should or should not get back together with Tim Lambesis is now only a philosophical question. The five internationally famous metalcore bandmates are in fact reuniting …
There’s good news for neighbors who spoke out at a May 9 Oceanside City Council meeting against a 99-room hotel to be built on a hillside just west of I-5. Based on drawings, they trashed …
Trump lobby San Diego County’s Board of Supervisors, which voted in April to back president Donald Trump’s legal war against California sanctuary laws, is seeking to acquire more muscle for its battle to boost federal …
Pizza lovers in Oceanside are disappointed to see the only Shakey’s Pizza Parlor in North County close down. No more Bunch-a-Lunch buffet, Mojo potatoes, big screen sports, and arcade games. Without notice, the pizza joint …