Two poems for Christmas by Joseph Brodsky
Star of the NativityIn the cold season, in a locality accustomed to heat more thanto cold, to horizontality more than to a mountain,a child was born in a cave in …
Two poems by Marvin Bell
To DorothyYou are not beautiful, exactly. You are beautiful, inexactly. You let a weed grow by the mulberry And a mulberry grow by the house. So close, in the personal …
Three poems by Oso Guardiola
Conversation in the Cathedralwhere are you?dublinwhere?the baroh, so you’re somewhere with friendsno friendsare you with friends?i’m nowhere with no friendsdo you need anything from me?i’ll be fineare you lying to …
David Wagoner took on the Pacific Northwest
LostStand still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here, And you must treat it as a powerful stranger, Must ask permission …
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