On the Record
Album: Fretfull (2008) Artist: Wayne Riker Label: self-released Where available/price: Old Time Music Shop in North Park, Tecolote Guitar Works on Morena Boulevard, and online at CDBaby for $15 Songs: 1) The Betrayal 2) 8 …
Amber Ojeda’s “Don’t Rush” was the most-downloaded MP3 during July. What’s your favorite moment in “Don’t Rush”? Amber Ojeda: The hook is my favorite part of the song. It reminds me to stay grounded and …
Album: Cowley Road (2008) Artist: Gayle Skidmore Label: self-released Where available/price: At live shows for $10; online at iTunes for 99 cents per downloaded song. Songs: 1) Cheap Imitation 2) Just for Now 3) Still …
“Paper Box,” by Gayle Skidmore, was the most-downloaded MP3 during June. Each month we will highlight the most popular tune by featuring an interview with the songwriter. What’s your favorite part of “Paper Box”? Gayle …
Album: 7s (2008) Artist: Nautical Disaster Label: self-released Where available/price: Live shows for $8. M-Theory, Off the Record, and Lou’s Records for $8.99. Online at CDBaby for $10.97; iTunes and Amazon for $8.91 (or 99 …
Album: Yippee!!! (2008) Artist: Hotel St. George Label: self-released Where available/price: Taang! Records downtown, Thirsty Moon in Hillcrest, and M-Theory Records in Mission Hills for $8 Songs: 1) Old Lies Told Well 2) It’s the …
Album: Haunt This Town (2008) Artist: Arm the Angels Label: self-released Where available/price: CDBaby.com for $12. iTunes, Rhapsody, Amazon, MP3.com, and Napster for 99 cents per song. Songs: 1) Last Goodbye 2) Haunt This Town …
Album: Paycheck to Paycheck (2007) Artist: Comfortable Creeps Label: FTB Recordings Where available/price: All Music Trader record shops for $8. Online at accesshiphop.com for $7 or iTunes for 99 cents a song. Songs: 1) Kerri’s …
Album: For the Win (2007) Artist: 12 Cent Label: Olde Tyme Productions Where available/price: Interpunk.com for $8. Music Trader in Pacific Beach for $8. Songs: 1) FTW! 2) 1231 3) Meat Rent 4) Vital Organ …
Album: Young Mass (2008) Artist: Young Mass Label: self-released Where available/price: Access Music in Pacific Beach for $8.95. Online at CDBaby for $7.99, Amazon for $8.99, and iTunes for $9.99 Songs: 1) Intro — Message …
Album: Love Love Love (2007) Artist: Steven Ybarra Label: self-released Where available/price: iTunes for $9. Songs: 1) Love Love Love 2) All I Am 3) The Beauty of Your Love 4) Please Please 5) The …
Single: Don’t Wake the Sun (2008) Artist: Writer Label: self-released Where available/price: At live shows, Lou’s Records (Encinitas), Off the Record (North Park), M Theory (Mission Hills), and Spin Records (Carlsbad) for $5. Online at …
Album: Supreme Macaroni Co. Ltd. (2008) Artist: Aaron Bowen Label: self-released Where available/price: iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, or aaronbowenmusic.com for $9.99. Songs: 1) When the Fall of Rome 2) Song #2 3) Strawberry Wine 4) Jeanne …
Album: Hoping It Stays Just This Broken (2007) Artist: Immovable Objects Label: self-released Where available/price: M-Theory Records in Mission Hills for $10.99. Online at Amazon, iTunes, CDBaby, Digstation, Rhapsody, Napster, Ruckus, BuyMusic, Inprodicon, MusicIsHere, PayPlay, …
Nu metal soothes the savage teenage ego. Perfected by the awful Linkin Park, nu metal themes revolve around awkwardness and insecurity, which manifest themselves in lyrics as martyrdom, separation from society, loyalty to others labeled …