“Gerbil porn will be the instrument of my demise,” I mutter in the parking lot of Dizzy’s on Morena Boulevard, where Stephanie Trick and Paolo Alderighi are performing this evening. Getting to the club, which …
When Ed Finn opened his San Diego Gas & Electric bill last month – he was shocked at the nearly $4,000 statement. "Most of the May-June bill was for the gas portion – like $3,400 …
I’ll start out with a confession: I hate crowds. I get pretty stressed out at a sold-out concert, which is why I’ll do just about anything to arrive early enough at a general admission show …
San Diego can't just build its way out of a housing emergency. It has to hold on to its existing affordable homes – an effort the city is slowly phasing in as it grapples with …
Bay Park remains a mere neighborhood Bay Park was around long before there was any movement in Clairemont. Bay Park has history going back to 1877. Clairemont wasn't developed until the 1950s. Ocean Beach lives …
A taproom and bottle shop combo, this Bay Park craft beer specialist offers wine, cider, …
A high-end butcher shop with a gourmet market and full-service deli built around it. A …
Having trouble getting into the holiday spirit? City Lights will cure you of your Grinchy …