From the Archives
Not so pretty: Bonita’s sign replacement cost Though Bonita's welcome mat has been pulled, the South Bay community is hardly discouraging people from coming by. The “Welcome to Bonita” sign, designed to convey a warm …
Amy Chu served as calendar editor and wrote feature stories for the Reader in the late 1970s and early 1980s. How they restore great paintings in Balboa Park A recent Tuesday morning in Balboa Park …
Geist wrote for the Reader in the late 1980s and returned to write a feature story in 2016. Editor's picks of stories Geist wrote for the Reader: The San Diego-San Ysidro trolley, late at night …
Beaner bashers They identify themselves as the border patrol. They demand money. The Mexican stranger drops the grocery bag and sprints into the valley. The teen-age boys shout taunts as the shadow disappears around a …
Keating, who wrote for the Reader from 1973 through 1987, worked as an attorney in downtown San Diego and then founded the apologetics organization, Catholic Answers. Editor's picks of stories Keating wrote for the Reader: …
Fred (Federico) Moramarco was the author and editor of Containing Multitudes: Poetry in the U.S. since 1950; Men of Our Time, (an anthology of world poetry); and Deliciously Italian, a book about Italian cooking and …
A quiet street and an old hotel Jacumba is a kind of living ghost town out in southeast San Diego County, on the Mexican border, in what’s called, the Mountain Empire district. It has come …
Bob Owens wrote for the Reader from 1983 through 2001. Editor's picks of Owens' stories: Tijuana’s upholstery heyday Jose Quezada, 47, calls himself a talón. “A talón is like a hustler. And a talón is …
Opincar wrote for the Reader from 1984 through 2008. He is the author of Fried Butter (Soho Press, 2003). Editor's picks of stories Opincar wrote for the Reader: My psychiatrist is dead; all falls apart …
New generations in Serra Mesa That first southbound walk home from Wegeforth Elementary, back in '68, was long and hot, each shadow on Mobley Street a refuge. For a transplanted fourth-grader, it was an arduous …
Tam Hoang, and English teacher at Coronado High School, has written for the Reader since 2015. That feeling of being the servile colonial subject eager to impress If you grew up speaking Vietnamese, like I …
Harrison has written freelance submissions for the Reader since 2009. Harrison's favorite stories he wrote for the Reader: Towers Land in North County Beachgoers are noticing the changes on the sand at Seaside, Cardiff Reef, …
We didn't have a street address in Pine Valley I took my children on a trip to my past. Friday after Thanksgiving, I herded Rebecca, Angela, Johnny, and Ben into our van. Lucy, who had …
Deegan has written for the Reader since 1998. Deegan's favorite stories he has written for the Reader: San Diego State's growing contempt for undergrads “The joke is we would like to swap students with Arizona,” …
Bob McPhail came to the Reader from the Oceanside Blade-Tribune in 1987 and has written stories for the Reader through 2018. McPhail's favorite stories he has written for the Reader: Camp Pendleton Marine kills older …
No trolley in my backyard A group of neighborhood conservationists in University City are hoping to put the brakes on a plan to extend trolley service from downtown San Diego's Santa Fe Depot to a …