From the Archives
The sun is hot. The sun is yellow. The sun is in the sky. It’s been a long day for Jovanna Venegas, starting out as she did so early in her room in the house …
Men's Summer Swimsuit Issue Nowadays, whenever I occasion to strip down to my swimwear, my own interior monologue pesters me, "Are you standing up straight? Is your stomach tucked in? Are there zits on your …
The ultimate fun hog has bailed Windansea people say Seth became a local legend not due to his surfing skills, not like Van Artsdalen, but from the NOT WHEN THE SURF'S UP sign painted on …
Port authority Don Nay can look down and, if he had the inclination, marvel at the sheer dimension of his domain and its power. San Diego’s biggest and most prosperous companies lease their ground from …
Chef salad ‘‘I can still smell the stock pot working, maybe sixty quarts of it. During the early Thirties, we had no refrigerator. We preserved food with salt and curing, and in the mine on …
Down, Boy “Steady, Yucon, it’s okay boy, calm down now Yucon.” Rich and DeGroot croon. The difficulty of the job registers on both their faces. DeGroot forces most of the barbiturate through the needle and …
Used car dealings When my septuagenarian mother (who knows nothing about automobiles) observed that the floor of the trunk was cracked, that the body had been repainted with two tones of non-matching red, that the …
Growing, growing, gone (part of 1977 in review) Hahn's December announcement that Buffums and Montgomery Ward were interested in the downtown shopping center seemed, in the minds of many, to be closely linked to Hahn’s …
It may have four on the floor, but is it art? The client, a motorcycle dealer, fell in love with one of Lueck’s many Viking ships and ordered a combination of two elements. "He just …
Runaway “I ran out the back door and had to climb over the neighbors’ barbed wire fence—they have it to keep dogs out. I cut up my legs and tore the halter dress I was …
Mananimalmananimal You tell me why, what, keeps my stub-toed Frye boot from kicking, jabbing the open-toed lavender sandals, nylon-encased toes; what stays the hand from grabbing the gray-suit lapels, from turning that wood-laminate table over; …
Gimme that drive-in religion “One of the greatest things is you get more offerings than you do in regular church. When that usher walks up to the car, everybody puts something in the cup. It’s …
The beginnings of San Diego libertarians Libertarian writers such as H.L. Mencken and Ayn Rand are scattered throughout this century, but the fact remains that until the late 1960’s, libertarianism remained little more than one …
The poor man's country club It is hard not to get swept up in the romanticism of the place. The wooden floors, the knotty pine walls, the wooden lockers next to the gym room. The …
Suburbanizing San Diego's downtown Tom Hom says that his Gaslamp District will avoid the problems of a similar district in St. Louis that has now deteriorated because San Diego’s will be locally governed, where St.Louis’s …
San Diego's Top Ten High Schools “My sister had gone to Bishop’s in seventh and eighth grade, and she liked it. She told me that the friendships are great, there’s a lot of support, there’s …