On January 6, after the Los Angeles Chargers beat the Baltimore Ravens 23-17, the former San Diego team's social media accounts jolted and "recouped some of their old fans." In …
For a number of years now, I have pedaled eastward from my house near Morley Field with the goal of eventually depositing myself on a stool at True North Tavern, …
Green Philadelphia Eagles fans jerseys outnumbered Chargers fans' regalia yesterday (October 1) at the Chargers' new L.A. home. Eagles fans loudly disrupted Chargers signals and cheered the Eagles while booing …
More publications are wondering if Los Angeles will be a good home for two pro football teams after the Chargers (San Diego transplants this year) and Rams (St. Louis transplants …
For the first time, two key San Diego FM music stations are giving up part of their Sundays for out-of-town NFL teams. Radio insiders say there’s a master plan behind why KGB/101.5 carries the L.A. …
Since its founding in 1920, the National Football League has proclaimed it opposes gambling, but the league was actually launched by gamblers and has been tied to and supported by gambling ever since. The league …
St. Louis, St. Louis County, and the local Regional Convention and Sports Complex are suing the National Football League, 32 of its teams, and some owners individually over the departure of the Rams to Los …
National Football League owners, meeting in Phoenix today (March 27), approved the Oakland Raiders' move to the gambling haven. The vote was 31-1. The dissenting vote was not announced but it was said to come …
Alternative Facts[The scene: the basement of Our Lady of Sorrows church, Mission Valley. A circle of chairs. A despondent array of suffering souls.]Walter Mencken: Hello, everybody. Please sit down. Welcome to Walter Mencken’s Post-Breakup Workshop. …
Here’s a fun fact: the Los Angeles Chargers might sell out some games in 2017. They are likely to pull off this seemingly impossible feat by aiming small — as in 30,000 fans small. That’s …
The pro football Rams' reception in Los Angeles is mediocre at best. Television ratings have been low to so-so. About 9.8 percent of area homes have been turned on to Rams games. That's worse than …
Fred Maas, special advisor to Chargers chief Dean Spanos, is now the team's designated prevaricator. Maas claims in ads that the team's stadium proposal (Measure C) won't cost San Diegans a dime unless they stay …
The man most responsible for the expansion of Qualcomm stadium for the Chargers in 1997, ultimately handing the team a taxpayer-funded venue and a controversial ticket guarantee — along with an out-of-town exit pass — …
How rich are members of the Spanos family, the NFL owners asking San Diego city voters to hike the tax on hotel visits and hand it over to subsidize a $1.8 billion professional football and …
“You know, when I came into the National Football League, many of our owners owned horses, owned dog tracks, owned all the familiar habitats of gamblers and gambling. We have learned to accept this in …
Last month, a poll by the Union-Tribune and 10News delivered encouraging news: only 30 percent of respondents were in favor of a stadium subsidy; 40 percent opposed it and 30 percent weren’t sure. Although more …
“Convadium,” crooned my partner in gadabouting Pemberton Throckmorton III, drawing out the “a” and lingering just a moment on the “m.” “Just listen to it! It’s the space of the future! What can’t you do …
Heywood Sanders, the national ranking expert on convention centers, is in San Diego this week, scouting around. Sanders wrote a seminal paper for the Brookings Institution in 2005, predicting a destructive arms race in construction …
Anybody looking forward to Super Bowl LXXX? You could build a stadium for a sport that doesn’t exist.
Spanos poured gas on the bridge while his jilted lover traveled across it.
The abiding question: Can a first-round NFL Hall of Fame quarterback, a legitimate superstar, who is now, according to many, in his football dotage, play one more beautiful game? The answer is no. The hope …
Your girl, wooed away by the Swaggering Beast of the Midwest.
It's time to talk sense about the Chargers. San Diego, with a massive infrastructure deficit, a need for bolstering police and fire protection, and voters wising up to the billionaire stadium scam, can't afford and …
Those wanting the San Diego Chargers ongoing drama to be ended this week will be disappointed: the National Football League is giving the team another year, at most, to get San Diegans to give the …
According to, the bid by Rams owner Stan Kroenke for a $2.6 billion Inglewood stadium appears to be leading the Chargers/Raiders proposal for a much more modest Carson stadium. The vote has been reported …
I clamber out of bed, make for the kitchen and coffee. While passing through the living room a thought arises, “There’s too much Apple dreck in my life.” I have a second-generation iTouch with a …
With the departure of the Chargers for Los Angeles looking likelier than ever, according to many accounts, do rowdy fans pose a real danger to what could be the team’s last days in Mission Valley? …
Blame the Astrodome for the Chargers’ supposed stadium crisis.
Evidence collected near Wundrum’s body in the $139,500 townhouse Irsay had given her the year before included an “orange plate w/white powder, straw, razor.”
The National Football League might be returning to its roots: wide-open gambling — legal or illegal. The league has embraced the concept of people playing fantasy football for money — choosing real players in a …
Word that soon-to-retire Walt Disney Company chief executive Bob Iger is in line for similar duties with the Chargers if the organization is green-lighted by the NFL to head for Los Angeles marks yet another …
First off, Qualcomm needs a 250m, Olympic-caliber velodrome.
Comment by Dick Danepa, special to SD on the QT Forget about the wins. They're going to come in a Chargers season. When you've got a quarterback like Philip Rivers, that's a simple fact: there …
"The City of San Diego has acted in good faith with the San Diego Chargers," cried Mayor Faulconer at today's press conference, his plastic bib flopping about as he flailed his arms. "We sped up …
Here is your invitation to join the San Diego Chargers in their new home city, 19 square miles of paradise, Carson, California! Clap your hands and give a big shout-out to 91,000 sports-loving Carsonites who …
The Union-Tribune this morning (August 9) conceded on its editorial page something all but the most rabid Chargers fans already know: the team wants to get to Los Angeles, and its highly publicized attempts to …
If Kevin Faulconer's Mission Valley stadium environmental impact report case ever gets to court, the mayor may want to consider having it heard in Sacramento. Those still following the Republican's tortured struggle with the Chargers …
Sam Farmer, who has followed the NFL drama in Los Angeles for the LA Times, has some predictions in today's (July 12) edition. Writes Farmer, "Think of L.A. as a game of musical chairs, with …
As San Diego mayor Kevin Faulconer and county supervisor Ron Roberts run up the public's tab in their frantic bid to keep the Chargers in San Diego, a trial in Sacramento is revealing the kind …
What was expected to be a standard meeting of the San Diego City Council on Monday, June 8, took a turn for the dramatic when Mayor Faulconer made an unscheduled appearance and statement regarding his …
From CSAG Stadium Report Appendix C: Personal Seat Licenses Look, it's not complicated. You want to buy a season ticket. But so does some other schnook. You buy a PSL, you get the option to …
Statement from Dan Meis, FAIA, founder of MEIS Stadium Planning, Construction, and Renovation, Inc.: "San Diego is not a ponderous monument to America's industrial glory days, like Cincinatti. There, I build a stadium solid enough …
Question one (of one): What is your reaction to this post on the Facebook group page, "You Know You're a Chargers Fan When"? a) Beleaguered, miserable acceptance b) Blind, bloodthirsty rage c) Bleary resignation d) …
Statement from Chargers' head of business affairs A. G. Spanos: We are grateful to San Diego's Citizens' Stadium Advisory Group for putting in the extra effort required to get us a report by our arbitrarily …