Baja news & stories
Big bugs and ‘buts in San Diego's big bay
Dock Totals 3/2 – 3/8: 479 anglers aboard 20 half-day to 3-day trips out of San Diego landings over the past week caught 9 calico bass, 20 halibut, 306 lingcod, …
Bluefin off Baja still finicky
Dock Totals 2/23 – 3/1: 571 anglers aboard 24 half-day to 3-day trips out of San Diego landings over the past week caught 79 bocaccio, 7 calico bass, 23 halibut …
Erick Carrill visited his father in Tijuana from San Diego and then disappeared
On May 19th, 2019 Eddy Carrillo's son Erick, who lived in San Diego, visited his father in Tijuana. He met with friends of his childhood and went out that night …
Will Trump’s Baja resort be built after all?
Video:GOLDEN DREAMS: A different sort of Trumpian comeback?Once, Donald Trump had a dream for Baja California — well, at least for a cut from the sales that came from attaching …
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