Locals hate the overhead wires and college student housing, homes bigger up on the Hill, very low turnover, paradox of Adobe Falls, developer challenged
The Junk House was designed to "fit into the neighborhood," general manager Richard Langlois said in a May 1 interview. The architect called for graffiti panels, and the Junk House contest awarded prize money to artists.
When asked about the five "worst" streets that needed slurry sealing or resurfacing, the Del Cerro Boulevard/Madra intersection was named 12 times; the Del Cerro Boulevard/College intersection netted 10 responses; Airoso Avenue received 7 “worst” ratings. Airoso parallels Interstate 8 west between Del Cerro and Lake Murray boulevards. Wilson termed the street "like an E ticket ride."
“San Diego State owns property near the Alvarado trolley stop. The transit district owns adjacent land. Part of the area is privately owned, but apparently, they [SDSU] never seriously looked into working out a deal to build housing there. It would have been ideal from a traffic and environmental standpoint because the project wouldn’t have put more cars on the road."
The first houses, mostly moderate-sized single-stories, were built along horseshoe-shaped streets like Ashland and Meredith, many of them coming off Del Cerro Boulevard. As Hill says, each house is different. Some are wood, some stucco, others faced with brick or stone. Cacti rise high in front gardens, Seussian trees and small palms along with them.
Pat and I manage to scramble through it and hop over some large rocks until we meet the stream at a four-foot-deep pool. A ten-foot waterfall spills into the pool upstream, while another smaller fall drains the pool on the downstream side. Up the hill and down, I can see another dozen such falls, house-sized rock formations, some a slate gray, others a rusty red color.
Decades ago, when San Diego State lay isolated at the city’s eastern fringe and I-8 was but a gleam in some civil engineer’s eye, students and professors trekked down to this formerly idyllic site for picnics. Today the runoff from winter storms still rushes head-long over bedrock slabs and boulders beneath a pleasing array of willows, sycamores, and volunteer palms.
Frost spoke of a “battle against the internet,” which continues to draw people to the area. “As of this morning, there were 7132 Instagram pictures of Adobe Falls. The worst thing would be if it was on Pokémon Go. Social media has changed. It used to be Twitter; [but] it's becoming passé.”
San Diego State police lieutenant Ron Broussard said officers have made 141 canyon checks since June 1. During that time, Del Cerro residents made 56 calls for service. Broussard said campus police worked with the San Diego Police Department, and 16 citations were issued. These included “four for marijuana.”
Some residents spoke about the route from the development to Phoebe Heart Elementary School, which is on Del Cerro Boulevard west of College. Returning home could mean driving south to make a U-turn by San Diego State University.
Project access would be on College Avenue, about 100 to 150 feet south of the Chevron station on the southeast corner of Del Cerro Boulevard and College. There are plans for a deceleration/acceleration lane on the property, and the right-turn lane from College to eastbound Del Cerro Boulevard will be lengthened.
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Del Cerro tries to stop graffiti
Locals hate the overhead wires and college student housing, homes bigger up on the Hill, very low turnover, paradox of Adobe Falls, developer challenged
Locals hate the overhead wires and college student housing, homes bigger up on the Hill, very low turnover, paradox of Adobe Falls, developer challenged
Locals hate the overhead wires and college student housing, homes bigger up on the Hill, very low turnover, paradox of Adobe Falls, developer challenged
The Junk House was designed to "fit into the neighborhood," general manager Richard Langlois said in a May 1 interview. The architect called for graffiti panels, and the Junk House contest awarded prize money to artists.
When asked about the five "worst" streets that needed slurry sealing or resurfacing, the Del Cerro Boulevard/Madra intersection was named 12 times; the Del Cerro Boulevard/College intersection netted 10 responses; Airoso Avenue received 7 “worst” ratings. Airoso parallels Interstate 8 west between Del Cerro and Lake Murray boulevards. Wilson termed the street "like an E ticket ride."
“San Diego State owns property near the Alvarado trolley stop. The transit district owns adjacent land. Part of the area is privately owned, but apparently, they [SDSU] never seriously looked into working out a deal to build housing there. It would have been ideal from a traffic and environmental standpoint because the project wouldn’t have put more cars on the road."
The first houses, mostly moderate-sized single-stories, were built along horseshoe-shaped streets like Ashland and Meredith, many of them coming off Del Cerro Boulevard. As Hill says, each house is different. Some are wood, some stucco, others faced with brick or stone. Cacti rise high in front gardens, Seussian trees and small palms along with them.
Pat and I manage to scramble through it and hop over some large rocks until we meet the stream at a four-foot-deep pool. A ten-foot waterfall spills into the pool upstream, while another smaller fall drains the pool on the downstream side. Up the hill and down, I can see another dozen such falls, house-sized rock formations, some a slate gray, others a rusty red color.
Decades ago, when San Diego State lay isolated at the city’s eastern fringe and I-8 was but a gleam in some civil engineer’s eye, students and professors trekked down to this formerly idyllic site for picnics. Today the runoff from winter storms still rushes head-long over bedrock slabs and boulders beneath a pleasing array of willows, sycamores, and volunteer palms.
Frost spoke of a “battle against the internet,” which continues to draw people to the area. “As of this morning, there were 7132 Instagram pictures of Adobe Falls. The worst thing would be if it was on Pokémon Go. Social media has changed. It used to be Twitter; [but] it's becoming passé.”
San Diego State police lieutenant Ron Broussard said officers have made 141 canyon checks since June 1. During that time, Del Cerro residents made 56 calls for service. Broussard said campus police worked with the San Diego Police Department, and 16 citations were issued. These included “four for marijuana.”
Some residents spoke about the route from the development to Phoebe Heart Elementary School, which is on Del Cerro Boulevard west of College. Returning home could mean driving south to make a U-turn by San Diego State University.
Project access would be on College Avenue, about 100 to 150 feet south of the Chevron station on the southeast corner of Del Cerro Boulevard and College. There are plans for a deceleration/acceleration lane on the property, and the right-turn lane from College to eastbound Del Cerro Boulevard will be lengthened.