(Businesses can use this too for $5 classified ads)
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TOYOTA TACOMA Bonnie Cota said you have my repossessed 1998 Toyota Tacoma truck, automatic. Pamela Stickler, general delivery San Diego 92138
MANNY BEAR Please call Sissy ASAP, she has info on Walter Wizz. This story holds water. Please get one and don’t watch. Love, Bud and Sissy
LOOKING TO RECONNECT WITH FRIENDS My name is Floyd Newsome and I lived in San Diego 1980-88, and I want try to reconnect with friends. Best known for being a gas pump attendant at San Diego Yellow Cab 1984-86. I now live in Savannah GA. I can be reached on Facebook, or 803-702-1114
TIM Just wanted to let you know you are very special to me and I love you baby boy!! Love, j
KELLY FRETZ! Happy birthday!!! We love you lots. Truly- Lisa, Timmy, and Jayme
KERIE You’re a fox. In French, you would be called “la renarde” and you’d be hunted with only your cunning to protect you. Eli
V. I know we have our ups and downs but who doesn’t? Anyways, I just want you to know, I love ya! Cheech
TO THE LADY WITH RED HAIR AND PLAID PANTS I find you extremely pretty. In Chula Vista court on October 21. Please call Craig 619-581-0183
CLASSIFIEDS ARE awesome and unforgettable!
MY BEAUTIFUL BOBO CHEECH No words can express the never-ending love and desire I hold for you. Till the end of time, Me.
SEEKING A TRAVEL COMPANION Old Dead Head veteran headed for Big Sur and Redwood Points North seeking female companion for the trip. Might be gone forever, animals welcome. Call Bill 619-748-2847.
AT WARPED TOUR when Offspring headlined. You’re a young, nice-height, boy with a mohawk. I really want to talk to you again. I’m 18 and my hair was purple and kinky curly shoulder length. I had on eyeliner and black lipstick, fishnets and 8-eye Dr. Martens. I need to find this boy.
SORRY I GAVE YOU THE BIRD Dear Mr. ‘Red Car’ on 78E, you were passing me after riding my bumper because I was only doing 70 in a 65 mph. You sufficiently scared me and decided you then needed to cut over to get off on the same exit. I shouldn’t have flipped you off, and I apologize.
LOST MY GLASSES between City Heights and North Park. If they’re not already roadkill, there’s a reward for anyone who finds them. They are plastic, dark-greenish tortoise colored in a tan hard case.
BEAUTIFUL LADY IN GRAY SWEATS at Starbucks on College and North R in Oceanside, you were behind me in line. I’m the black guy with the tank top on and tattoos. Reach out here if you happen to see this.
LIFE IS KRYPTONITE with no awesome girl. If anyone out knows who my Awesome Girl is and you read this, let her know that Captain Awesome (in Santee) is worried. Something is wrong and I can feel it. Mmy life force is fading and I don’t have much time left here in this world.
BIRTHDAY CHEERS Rachael is 30 in Jan and loves getting b-day cards. Help make her big 30 special. 7615 Othello Ave Ste. A San Diego, CA 92109
MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE Kerie, if you were a President you would be Baberham Lincoln. Love Eli.
FRIENDS OF JAMES HARPER (JIM) Please call Jim’s family (619)917-6975
MOTORCYCLES AND CAMPING We camp from our motos, mostly within an hour or two from San Diego — that way, if you have a job, you can still get out for a little adventure. We go to county and state parks
FREE PSYCHIC HEALING/LECTURE CLINIC Free reading for new visitors 7:30pm, the last Wednesday of the month. 10/30/19, 1/29/2020, 2/26/2020, and 3/25/2020 by Vessa’s Clairvoyant Intuitive Program Graduates. 4455 Moreno Blvd. Ste. 108, San Diego, CA 92117. 858-509-7582
COOL STUFF FOR DOG LOVERS Check out www.mytimes7.com for original dog inspired designs on shirts, mugs, and decals. Avail of free shipping & discounts!
QUOTES AND JOKES WEBSITE Good quotes and jokes on website .www.davidalmada.com
OUR FOREFATHER ENOCH wanted all of us to know that we can do what he did (Gen. 5:22-24). People’s Co-op, 4765 Voltaire St, Nov 21, 7-8:30pm. Free
ASCENSION CRAFT FAIR Spaces are still available at our Nov. 9, 9-1, Holiday Cart Fair. Registration information at www.ascension-church.com
HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR Ascension Craft Fair Nov. 9, 9 to 1. Find one of a kind gifts for everyone made by local crafters! 5106 Zion Ave., SD 92120
IS YOUR CAR DIRTY? ECBPA car wash to support El Capitan music department. 11/09/19 9am-1:30p,, Santee Lakeside Elks lodge.
RESEARCH COMPANY LOOKING FOR people with mental illness, bipolar, schizophrenia, depression. Call 619-761-2102, ask for Travis, referral only,
SEEKING TRAVEL COMPANION for road trips and general camping in La Jolla and abroad. I have the equipment, and the ride. Rob 619-5181521
FOUND WETSUIT La Jolla, Mt. Soledad Road, John. 619-443-4219
BODY ARTIST AVAILABLE Relax and get painted as your favorite character with an airbrush. Please call 619-635-7182 to book. Superior Airbrush.
AUTOIMMUNE SUPPORT GROUP Learn, share, and connect with others who have chronic illness. Every 3rd Saturday at Serra Mesa Library. Starts Nov. 16th.
COSTUME SHOP Free ATM for your customers. Will pay rent. Fully serviced and maintained: email [email protected]
POETRY CRITIQUE GROUP Come workshop your poems with other poets. Group meets every other Tuesday at 7pm. Send sample to [email protected].
BOGO 50% OFF SIP AND PAINT Buy one get one 50% off a Private Sip and Paint Party for 2 or more. Use promo code: BOGOSIP. https://bit.ly/2kEX8x2
WIDOW OR WIDOWER? Interested in friendly activities? Please join our social club, Widows or Widowers (WOW) of San Diego. Web: www.wowsd.org
TBI RESEARCH STUDIES Recruiting for paid research study on TBI-related headaches at the VA San Diego Hospital. Please contact: 858-210-8908.
SAVING JOSHUA TREES Local new start-up is offering baby Joshua Trees to concerned people. Mission Beach: www.joshuatreeplantadoptions.com
UCSD ALZHEIMER’S STUDY $ Ages 50-80 with Alzheimer’s. FDA approved medication free for 24 weeks plus payment. [email protected] (619)471-9455
TV SMART BOX No cable bills, free movies, sports, live tv shows, Pay Per View, free demonstration, waranteed, call now (619)850-3264. $150 money back guarantee.
WE BUY ENFAMIL AND SIMILAC baby formula. We pick them up in San Diego and surrounding cities call or text (951) 230-1357.
[email protected] Are you a student that needs to complete community service hours? Let us help you learn valuable skills and $
UCSD EEG RESEARCH STUDY This research study involves using an FDA-approved medication and EEG. Call (619)543-2314 or email [email protected].
PEN PALS WANTED Older man, currently hospitalized, no internet desires pen pals. Write to Dave DiMino 3102 East Highland Ave #21 Patton, CA 92369
“OVERCOMING BETRAYAL IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM” Written by fRee SPiRiT UNiQUe.... Available Now on.... iTunes, Amazon, Xlibris and Barnesandnoble.com!!
FOSTER ORPHANED PUPPIES AND KITTENS Get your puppy or kitten fix by providing a temporary home for orphaned pets! Helen Woodward Animal Center provides all supplies and medical care while you provide love & transport for 2-3 weeks! Call 858-756-4117 x366 to learn more.
LIFE IS DESIGNED TO WORK Workshop Sun Nov 3, 3-4:30 on the Life Is Designed to Work thought system, integrated w/ NLP JaneCohenCounseling.com/events.
FREE MOVEMENT CLASS at Breath body connection, Tues. 7pm donation based- ecstatic dance, chakra meditation, sound healing. All ages and bodies
AUTOCAD DRAFTING OR TUTORING $30 or less per hour + mileage (619) 708-2812.
SERRADA ESCRIMA AND FILIPINO empty-hand self defense classes. [email protected]. Learn reiki, a useful and ancient energy healing technique. For more information call 760-846-0289
VOLLEYBALL BEACH CLASSES starting now. learn the art of beach volleyball at south Mission Beach. IG:@sandiegobeachvolleyball FB:sdbvl
GRATEFUL DEAD MUSIC LESSONS Learn the guitar styles of Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir from an experienced, patient instructor. I have been performing Grateful Dead music and teaching for 25+ years. Visit my website at www.LarryFlynnMusic.com/
CLASSES IN RADIO CONTROL BOATING at San Diego Model Boat Pond. Scale Boats; Sail Boats; Power Boat Check us out here: www.facebook.com/SanDiegoArgonauts
YOGA IN CHULA VISTA Discover the benefits of yoga at Revel Yoga at the Chula Vista Mall. Welcoming to all regardless of gender, age, or experience. Affordable class packages include entry level to challenging classes. 555 Broadway Ste 2020 (next to Sears)
SOCIAL SKILLS GROUPS For ages 6-18. Children and adolescents who may have ASD, ADHD or anxiety train in leadership studies in group. Center for Educational Therapy [email protected] 619-577-1210
MATH/ SCIENCE TUTOR Tutor available for high school / college-level math, biology, chemistry, physics. Email me at [email protected]
AFFORDABLE PRIVATE YOGA All ages, qualified and experienced yoga therapist, flexible location and times: [email protected]
TAI CHI AND QI GONG CLASSES, Meditation In Movement. First class is free. Taoist Sanctuary of San Diego, 619-692-1155 or www.taoistsanctuary.org.
PHLEBOTOMY TRAINING California approved Phlebotomy Training. Day Eve and Weekend classes, start your new career today! www.PhlebotomyUSA.com
HORSEBACK RIDING LESSONS Try something new and change your life with our wonderful horses - right by the Mission in Oceanside! 5 and up. iveyranch.com
PLAY PIANO the way you want to! Pop, classical, jazz, blues, improvise. FREE lesson/interview. Over 40 years’ experience teaching and performing. E-mail: [email protected] or call: 619-281-8118. See www.LeeGalloway.com.
CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY Eliminate your credit card and other unsecured debt. Law Office of Frank D Walker. Contact Mel Quevedo legal asst. 619-755-2365
P.L. WOODEN MOBILE NOTARY Do you need Loan Signing, Pre-need Home Going Planning , or Notary services for someone that is Hospitalized , in Senior care or maybe Incarcerated? If so, look no further. Call P.L Wooden Mobile Notary for all of your Notary Needs At: 619-867-4441
GAM CONSTRUCTION Additions, repairs, new construction, plans, permits. Se habla espanol. Visa/ Mastercard/ Discover. Lic#617134. 619-779-0668.
AFFORDABLE PLUMBING/ Drains. 619-572-4917. Always free estimates. A+ BBB. Senior and Military Discount. 40 years Lic#420608.
ALPHA MEGA ENTERPRISES Tax, real estate appraisal, general home services, handy man. Call Yoly Ding Sadangsal 858-848-4462
SUSAN TUTORS/LANCE IT Copywriting provides expert language arts instruction and expression, non-fiction and fiction or poetry. Contact Susan Taylor 858-740-7264 or [email protected]
US ELECTRIC CONTRACTING Fast, free estimates. Full service, residential and commercial, new construction, remodels, custom work, service and repair. No job too big or too small. 10% 1st time senior discount. CA lic#1009252. Insured. BBB Accredited. 858 880 6080.
FREE SNAKE REMOVAL I am a lover of snakes and hate seeing them killed. I relocate all the snakes I catch. I am an expert of the snakes here in Southern California; venomous or not, I will remove it and relocate it for you. I’m in North County, if you are close enough to me, I will not charge you anything — free on me. Call or text me at 760-846-6677
PORTRAIT ARTIST FOR HIRE I am a New York based artist, with an MFA in traditional painting and drawing techniques. I have been working as a portrait and commission artist for the past twenty years. Though I specialize in family portraits, I also do landscapes, pet portraits, murals, and abstract paintings. I can work from sittings, or from long distance, via photos. I work mostly with graphite, acrylic, and oil paints; but I am proficient in all mediums. Add me on Instagram @lopresti_arts
CHIMNEY SWEEPER FOR HIRE we also do dryer vent cleaning, HVAC tuneups, outdoor AC units, and chimney relining, call 858-869-3688.
HAIR BRAIDER 4 HIRE My name is Marie, and I am a braider here in Chula Vista. This month we offer: Senegalese twists, passion twists, Bohemian twists. My Facebook is @mariebraids01 Send me a message for quotes
NEED AN IKEA FURNITURE AND FIXTURE ASSEMBLER TO HIRE? We are a 15 year finish carpenter/cabinet makers, who specializes in design, assembly, and installation of the Ikea Kitchen. Call 619-394-0419 for a quote
TINY HOME DESIGN SERVICES Tour, design and build your dream tiny home! www.zentinyhomes.com
PRIVATE CHEF FOR HIRE 40+ years experience as professional chef. Creating amazing culinary experiences for individuals, families and businesses. 760-717-2627
SAN MARCOS BARBER Twin Oaks Hair Design. 15 years, same location. Check me on Yelp! Glenn @760-744-5076
FREE REFERRAL SERVICE for seniors in need of senior living options. Call 858-337-0420 or www.cpforseniors.com
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS CATRINA face painter for hire. I am now accepting bookings for Day of the Dead, parties, Halloween. For kids it starts at $10 depending on what design. http://bit.ly/diamuertos-face
CHALKBOARD ARTIST FOR HIRE Interior, exterior, illustrations, graphics, abstract art, painting, branding, calligraphy, live art for events, menu sign, drawing, decoration, convention or events. IG:goartjar 713-291-9889
SCOOTER REPAIR tune ups, oil changes, carbs clean up, damaged parts replacement, aftermarket accessories installation, troubleshooting, detailing and more. 760-805-8916
NEED A FACE PAINTER for your party? I was trained at Seaworld and have been working at events for 5 years now. Currently a preschool teacher and great with kids and I can do adult parties as well. I can paint about 12 kids per hour and I charge $60/hr. Follow me on Insta @ladybugbodyart.
VACATION RENTAL MANAGER Vacation rental? Let me show you what I can do to increase your bookings, maintain five star ratings, and manage your rental. Proven record with years of experience/references. Considering vacation rental? I can take care of it all!732-915-9974
COUNSELING IN CARLSBAD Evening appts. Licensed Clinical Counselor. LPCC CA #296. Severe mental illness, depression, anxiety, addictions, integrated mental health (IMMH). Cognitive therapy. Medi-Cal & sliding scale. www.robertpricelpcc.com,[email protected] 619-435-1790.
CABINET DOORS ONLY Any size, any style, any amount. Save money! lic# 876602 Insured www.cabinetdoorsonly.com, Call or text 619-415-7729.
ROB’S ELECTRICAL SERVICES Residential/Commercial/Industrial. 20+ years experience, C10 Lic# 966537. Guaranteed to beat any quote! 10% OFF for new clients. Call for free estimate: 619-632-7770. [email protected]. www.robselectricalservices.com.
VISTA THREE ROOMS FOR RENT Nightly, weekly, monthly. All rooms negotiable, all prices negotiable. All rooms unfurnushed, bring cot or sleeping bag. TV, bathroom, washer/dryer, gas and electric included. Call Mike 760-295-2219.
ROOMMATE MIRA MESA 11/1 Clean 3 bdrm 2 bath hm. Walk to shop, eat, etc, no smoking, no pets, 55yrs up 1 male prefrd $1200+ dep incl utility. 619-997-6010
I’M LOOKING to find a place with one or two other girls! Looking in Little Italy, Point Loma, North Park. downtown areas. Looking to move beginning of December and trying to stay under $1500. About me: 27, and work as a physician assistant in downtown and Hillcrest! https://www.facebook.com/carly.babis
ROOM FOR RENT $900 Available now, share upstairs bath, perfect for students! No drugs, non smoker, no pets. [email protected]
ROOM 4 RENT $875 University Heights, Single Occupancy, No pets, No drugs,No smoking , No parties, shared upstairs bath. [email protected]
ROOM IN MISSION HILLS Room in nice area of Mission Hills South/ Hillcrest West. Smoking household, 420 friendly. $900 mo Jeff at 619-480-6478.
ROOM NEEDED NOV 1 Senior. I need to rent 1 bd/1bath Nov 1. Healthy, clean, quiet $600 max Chula Vista, La Mesa, El Cajon 619-495-2107
ROOM FOR RENT North Mire Mesa, master bedroom, panoramic view of Black Mountain, suite size, closet and bath. Month to month, $900. Call 619-312-5613
SANTEE, $675 2/2 manufactured home w/ F homeowner, dog. Same price furnished/unfurnished. No kinds under 18. Pools, spas, clubhouse, tennis. AC & heat, kitchen, W/D. No tobacco, or add’l pets. Share util. 619-373-4662
LEMON GROVE $650 Room for rent, $200 deposit. Shared bathroom, kitchen privileges, washer/dryer, no night owls, no pets. Available December 3rd. Text 619-581-7190.
ROOM FOR RENT AZALEA PARK Room available now @ $750 monthly with $500 deposit and 6 month lease. Shared utility expenses, w/d, and parking on site. [email protected]
SAN DIEGO $557 FURN BDRM 1 adult only + security deposit + no smoking/vaping. Share: bath + kitchen + washer/dryer +WiFi. Text/call: 858-367-0533 secret code 557-RA
MILITARY RETIRED MALE heart and lung outpatient needs separate granny flat or mobile home in vicinity of VA, no SDA/40 years local. Guaranteed rent and bonus, need soon. 1-858-722-2964
DEPENDABLE, EMPLOYED $550 I am a middle-aged woman, looking for a room to rent. I require ground floor and within 10 mile radius of downtown San Diego. [email protected]
SEEKING A PACIFIC BEACH ROOMMATE My boyfriend and I are both starting our third year in college. We’re looking for someone to move in asap. The rent is $1075/mo + utilities. https://www.facebook.com/tiara.sirois
ROOMMATES WTD Looking to move to PB or OB but open to other locations. Trying to stay $1000 or under. Message me if you have a spot or if you’re looking for a roomie! A little about me: 29, super into all things personal development, yoga, dance and music! https://www.facebook.com/kmarie678
BAY PARK, $1095 Downstairs in tri-level house. Bedroom, kitchen and dining room, plus private bath. Includes all utilities and wifi. All furnished, sliding door from master bedroom to patio. On quiet cul de sac. (858) 272-1594
ISO SDSU ROOMMATE Hi! I’m looking to sublease my half of the largest room in the house to a student! The bedroom is considered the master bedroom. The room is in a six-bedroom house currently shared with other SDSU students who also need sub leasers. Rent is $800; utilities and WiFi are around $50. Message or text me at 303-956-6428
SEEKING PRIVATE ROOM 57 years young male seeks private room! Please! No Smokers or alcohol/drugs consumption. Clean and healthy lifestyle. Email Stephen O. [email protected]
NEED TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM ASAP. I am a mature female, clean, friendly, and quiet. Anywhere from La Mesa to Santee. Can pay $550/month. Please call 619-488-0822
SPRING VALLEY $557 FURN Single bedroom + Utilities paid + security deposit + no smoking + WIFI. Share: bath + kitchen + carport + washer/dryer, and more. Text/Call secret code 557RJ: 858-367-9736
ROOM FOR RENT LA COSTA $650 per month 1/3 utilities, $650 deposit. Working male 40+ preferred. No smoke, pets, drunks, addicts. Text 760-942-7062
ROOM WANTED 62 yr. old single healthy clean SoCal native low income male, high school/college grad. Seeking any somber tiny room in house Solana Beach, Cardiff, Leucadia, Encinitas, Carlsbad, San Clemente. Dale Hauskins (858) 401-2973
KENSINGTON $975 One bedroom in Kensington home, kitchen privileges, utilities included, no smoking, drugs, or pets. LGBTQ friendly. Please call 619-204-2762.
CITY HEIGHTS, $470 Separate, living room/kitchen space, 200 square feet, furnished, cable, 420 friendly. No drugs, alcohol, tobacco, drama. First/last, senior/disabled/retired/student. 619-528-0907
OTAY RANCH, $1100 Room for rent, furnished, AC, tv, internet, amenities, parking, utilities included, non smoker, no drugs, no pets. $1,100/month, $200 deposit. Carlos 858-999-7980.
CHULA VISTA, $700 One room for rent in condo, shared living room and kitchen. Male preferred. No pets. Deposit $300. Available now, any questions call 619-869-5814 or 858-397-3687 and ask for Kim.
ROOM FOR RENT $750 Room in my Chula Vista Home. $750/mo. Many amenities. Military discount. Victor, 252-281-7076
DOWNTOWN, $250-495.Artist work spaces: Office or work spaces and retail available. 636 C Street, 92101. Inquire inside (C Street Inn front desk) or call 619-234-4165 or 619-269-9076. www.jspropertymanagement.com.
DETACHED RV TRAILER HOME 4 RENT $600/month, 1 bedroom, bathroom, new upholstery cushions in main saloon and kitchen table booth. Includes clothes washer/dryer, DirecTv, utilities. Hidden Valley https://www.facebook.com/sally.burgess.33
HOUSE FOR RENT $2,500 first and last, $1,000 cleaning deposit. 3/4 acre, San Marcos. 619-952-0426
SEEKING INCOME BASED APT. Help retired/disabled couple & dog ISO 1 or 2 bdr duplex/apt. any area. $900-$950. Must be out 11/1 and 11/13 txt 619-218-4440.
CLEAN QUIET TRAILER PARK Mini home/cabin for rent in Riverside County. $895 a month. pool and secured gating. Park is near everything. [email protected]
5392 LEON OCEANSIDE Sale, rent, lo to qualified people only. Full checks/deposits. Contact: 619-895-0053, [email protected] on mls, Zillow, cl.
VACANT COMMERCIAL LOT in Escondido for rent. 140 ft. X 40 ft. It is located between Enterprise Rent a Car on one side, and a gas station on the other side. Ask for Guy or Stella (760) 747-3100.
CONDO FOR RENT Large 1 bedroom. Close to SCRIPPS Medical Center and UCSD. Safe, Clean, Quiet . Affordable call Ann 925-588-5567.
PACIFIC BEACH, $2975. 2BD+2BA with additional loft room; upstairs condo in 4 unit building in North PB; near transportation and restaurants; stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave; private balcony; garage with opener plus parking space; laundry hookups; fireplace; no pets; 1 block to ocean; available now; 833 Chalcedony Street. Del Sol Property Management, Broker. www.delsolpm.com. 858-270-2071.
PACIFIC BEACH, $2500. 2BD+2BA; very large remodeled upstairs unit in North PB; new kitchen and updated bathrooms; stainless appliance, granite countertops, plank flooring; sparkling pool; coin laundry; 2 blocks to Tourmaline Surf Park; CAT OK w/ extra deposit; available now; 826 Tourmaline Street Del Sol Property Management, Broker. www.delsolpm.com. 858-270-2071.
PACIFIC BEACH, $2500. 2BD+2BA; remodeled upstairs large unit with garage plus parking space; stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave; coin laundry; shared courtyard; private balcony; wood plank flooring; no pets; available now; 1180 Grand Ave. Del Sol Property Management, Broker. www.delsolpm.com. 858-270-2071.
PACIFIC BEACH, $1595. 1BD+1BA; large downstairs unit in North PB; stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave; shared courtyard; coin laundry; parking; no pets; available now; 1546 Diamond Street. Del Sol Property Management, Broker. www.delsolpm.com. 858-270-2071.
RENTAL WANTED Hispanic couple need place in Encinitas - are low income. Call 626-712-0303
BANKER’S HILL/DOWNTOWN, $1150. Studio+1BA efficiency studio. Water, trash, gas and electric included! On-site laundry. Street parking. Near Balboa Park / Hillcrest. 1758 6th Avenue. Agent, 619-298-7724. www.allpointsrealestate.com
BANKER’S HILL/DOWNTOWN, $1375-1425. STUDIO+1BA. Some new fixtures, granite countertops. Gated building. Coin operated laundry on site. Street parking. All utilities paid. No pets. 1747 5th Avenue. Agent, 619-298-7724. www.allpointsrealestate.com
DOWNTOWN, $525-880. Under new management! Renovated, furnished Gaslamp rooms for rent. Elevator. Close to Horton Plaza, restaurants, shops and laundry. Cable and utilities Included. 720 4th Ave. 619-233-7594 or 619-727-0151.
DOWNTOWN, $573-825. Clean rooms, very comfortable, convenient location. Historic building near C Street Trolley. Choice of common or private bathrooms. Utilities included. Free cable TV, on-site laundry, vending machines, modern elevator. Southern Hotel, 1159 6th Avenue at B. 619-239-3808.
LA MESA, $1395. 1BD+1BA downstairs apartment in La Mesa/Lake Murray. Small, quiet complex near lake. Patio, stove, refrigerator, A/C, dishwasher, laundry, parking. No pets. 7490 Collins Avenue #4. Add Realty, 619-232-6811.
LEMON GROVE, $1,400 Charming 2 bedroom, 1 bath, available now! Beautifully remodeled apartment is quiet, spacious & has a balcony too. Walking distance to shops, dining & trolley. Sorry, no pets. Call for your private viewing (619) 916-9187.
LA MESA, $1699-2090. 3BD+2BA ($2090) and 2BD+1BA ($1699) apartments. Bienvenido a la privada Mt. Helix! Espaciosos. Cocina nueva. Electrodomesticos de acero inoxidable, Casa club. WiFi. Aire acondicionado. Lavanderia. Garage. Balcones. Picina. Mascotas OK. Espanol. 619-646-8670.
LA MESA, $1699-2090. 3BD+2BA ($2090) and 2BD+1BA ($1699) apartments. Welcome to Mt. Helix Gated Community! New kitchen. Stainless steel appliances. Spacious. Clubhouse. WiFi. Air conditioning. Laundry. Garages. Balconies. Pool. Hablo Espanol. 619-646-8670.
CLAIREMONT, $3100. 3BD+2.5BA HOUSE with sun room in Clairemont Mesa East area; remodeled kitchen with stainless appliances and granite countertops; washer/ dryer; 2 fireplaces; wood floors/carpet; 2 car garage plus driveway parking; private patio in back; nice lawn in front with gardener paid; walk to Mesa College; EZ freeway access; must see to appreciate; ask about pet; available 11-15-19; 4083 Marlesta Drive. Del Sol Property Management, Broker. www.delsolpm.com. 858-270-2071.
NEED A APARTMENT SHORT TERM Make your reservations now and Get $200 OFF every month, starting 9/15/18. Studio+1BA available. Call for Monthly, Weekly and daily specials, up to 15% OFF. Includes: weekly cleaning service, daily continental breakfast, all utilities, cable (HBO), heated pool/ spa, on-site laundry. High-speed Internet available for additional charge. (*Rates subject to change/ tax.) California Suites Hotel, 5415 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard. (858)799-0219. www.californiasuiteshotel.com.
CARLSBAD RNTL $1800-$2600 We love pets, walk to beach, or ocean view, up to 2br 2ba or sec 8, free brochure thh4u.com. Txt 858-367-3683 Agt BRE# 01113432.
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, $2950. 2BD+2.5BA 1400sqft. split-level condo. All brand new kitchen appliances. Bright and airy, hardwood floors, balcony, laundry, 2-car garage, lots of storage. Pets considered. 4740 Arizona Street. Agent, 619-298-7724.
SOUTH PARK, $1750. Lovely 1 bedroom apartment perfectly located near Downtown San Diego and Balboa Park. 1/2 off first month with 1-year lease! Easy 5-minute commute to work. Secured building, fireplace, hardwood floors, laundry on site, street parking only. 2329 C Street. Agent: 619-298-7724. www.allpointsrealestate.com
NORMAL HEIGHTS, $1300. Cozy studio near Adams, downstairs corner unit, wood-like flooring, on-site laundry, water, trash and gas included. Great location with easy freeway access. No pets. 3355 Madison Avenue. Agent, 619-298-7724.
MISSION HILLS, $1550. 1BA+1BA Stove, refrigerator, hardwood floors. Some utilities included. No pets. 630 W. Washington . Agent, 619-298-7724.
MISSION HILLS, $1425. 1 studio+1BA. Stove, refrigerator, hardwood floors. Some utilities included. No pets. 630 W. Washington. Agent, 619-298-7724.
Real Estate
TOWNHOME $284,900, 2 bed/2 bath @ 4412 Delta St. #34. Newly remodeled kitchen with stainless steel kitchen appliances, new shaker cabinetry, subway tile backsplash and quartz countertops, new bathroom vanities and a freshly painted interior. http://bit.ly/delta-house-for-sale
CONDO FOR $222,000 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, 665 sq./ft. condo in the heart of Logan Heights http://bit.ly/lh-condo
SPRING VALLEY LOT $59,000, raw land, 2 parcels included totaling 1.2 acre. Utilities on the next street over but not extended to these lots in this canyon. http://bit.ly/sv-lot
MISSION VALLEY CONDO $249,900 at Friars Road 1BR/1Bath. This ground-floor unit has air conditioning, laminate flooring, and reserved parking. http://bit.ly/mission-valley-condo
TWELVE ACRE DESERT TRACT 52 miles East of El Paso. Easy access. No utilities. Use solar, generator, water tanks. Only $6000. Financing available 1-442-615-0933
MOTEL FOR SALE BY OWNER 21-Unit motel & living quarters for sale in Dove Creek, Colorado—only $499,000. Escape the big city for the price of a modest California home. Centrally located between Mesa Verde, the Canyonlands, & Arches National Parks. Call 970-560-7799.
CARLSBAD HMES UNDER $500K VA, FHA, 1st time buyers, up to 4BR, free brochure thh4u.com. Close to beach and shopping, txt 858-367-3683 Agt BRE# 01113432.
CONVENIENCE STORE DELI $140k. SDSU area, full kitchen, close to medical buildings, transit, SDSU. Call or text Max at 858-342-4129, [email protected]
CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE! Do you have a house in need of repairs? Facing foreclosure? We’ll buy it! Visit www.WeBuyHousesInSD.com or call 760-814-1343.
LUXURY HOME IN TECATE $150,000 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage for 2 cars with garage door, extra land of 200 meters, large dining room, laundry room and alarm, La Hacienda neighborhood. Schedule your appointment or for more info call at 665-127-1769. http://bit.ly/2o2eMwm
TOWNHOMES 4 SALE $330K in Lemon Grove. Looking for a great opportunity to become a homeowner for less than $2,000 a month? Come and see this 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathroom townhome. 619-454-0330
TINY HOME IN LA MESA $30K, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom with a spacious living room and kitchen and cathedral ceilings. For sale by owner. http://bit.ly/lamesa_tiny_house
MOBILE HOME $10,000 in Valley Center, 56’X12‚Ä≤, 2 bedrooms 1 bath, this home can’t stay in park — we delivery to your property. http://bit.ly/vc-mobile-home
BABY IT’S COLD OUT THERE! New homes 3 hours from San Diego from $80k. 55+ Community where the sun always shines! 928-255-3275
ALPINE 55+ MH PARK 2 new Fleetwood homes 3br/2ba 1,350 to 1,500 sq ft $199,000 - $229,000 with $700/mo. space rent (ser#38803) (619) 571-3873
2006 26’ SALEM RV TRAILER with 30’x 20’ space in Pine Crest Retreat outside Julian CA. $12,000 OBO. All amenities. Call 619-269-6634
STEINWAY GRAND PIANO Original owner since 1975. Stats available. Can be seen at Piano Warehouse on Miramar Rd. 619-972-6520
ANTIQUE PUMP GRAND ORGAN Need to unload this beauty. Can’t go with us in move. Shoot me a text and I’ll pass along pictures/info. $50 (858) 945-4256
PUNK ROCK GUITARIST Seeking bassist and drummer. Age in 30’s. In SD County. Smoke free people only. 3 songs written. Text Keith: 6193759030
WOMEN SINGERS WANTED Come sing 4-part harmony with chorus. All ages. Mondays 7-9pm in La Mesa. Fun performances throughout SD. 619-464-3727
REGGAE POP PROGROCK FUSION professional guitarist available for gigs, tours, recordings. CD/Tour credits. Dale Hauskins https://www.bandmix.com/dalehauskins/ (858)401-2973
DO YOU PLAY VIOLIN? Unique string quartet seeks violinist. Medieval thru Baroque music. Currently non-paying. Lakeside rehearsals. Serious only. [email protected]
UNIVERSAL SOUND Monthly creative band musicians lock-out rehearsal private practice AC studios now available. Half off first month rent. (858) 401-2973
MUSIC REHEARSAL STUDIO. Upscale facility, Kearny Mesa. All rooms have individual air conditioning, high ceilings and 24- hour access. Monthly rooms available. Adder Studios, 858-522-9505. www.adderstudios.com.
CAT POLE off white carpeted, 6 levels, brand new, $75. 619-269-5331
FREE TO GOOD HOME Two Yorkie puppies, re-homing, AKC reg, contact me via email for more details: [email protected]
BENGAL PUREBRED KITTENS born October 5 2019! Purrfect timing for Christmas! Deposits being accepted for Bengal experienced humans. Meow. 619-597-9729
PUPPIES I’m selling 5 puppies born 9/6/19, mixed with poodle/terrier, 3 males and 2 females. They are beige. $200 call: 619-470-0733 Gloria.
DOGSITTING/DOGWALKING I love all breeds, responsible, caring, experienced, (AKA: The Dog Woman) Contact: 619-380-4861.
FOSTER ORPHANED PUPPIES AND KITTENS Get your puppy or kitten fix by providing a temporary home for orphaned pets! Helen Woodward Animal Center provides all supplies and medical care while you provide love & transport for 2-3 weeks! Call 858-756-4117 x366 to learn more.
GYPSY is 1 year old, 50-pound female Pit bull. Gypsy is an athletic and cuddly dog. She likes to play fetch and make a great running/hiking buddy with proper conditioning first. Gypsy knows basic commands and walks well on a leash. She is particular who she plays with and would need a slow introduction to new doggie friends. At the end of the day, she is a cuddle bug and would keep you company during a good book. She is just waiting to fill a spot at a home in need! Animal ID: A1865033 San Diego County Animal Shelter 5821 Sweetwater Rd. Bonita, CA 91902 Hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 9:30am – 5:30pm. Closed Mondays and County Holidays. Adoption Fee $75 ( comes with microchip, spaying, deworming, and vaccinations). For more information, please call 619-498-2311 or visit our website at www.sddac.com
SURFBOARDS FOR SALE 6’0 swallow tail with bumps, $200. 6’2 Al Merrick Flyer buckle board, cheap $40. 6’6 Egg good condition, $200. Call Mike 760-295-2219
US/MEX BORDER BICYCLING With all the controversy about walls and border security, this is a “see it with your own eyes” activity showing what the real border looks like. A mountain bike, and mountain bike experience is required. https://www.meetup.com/Border-Bicycling/
URBAN BIKE AND SOCIAL CLUB You don’t have to put on your spandex unitard to have fun riding. Let’s meetup and ride somewhere fun: to happy hour, a festival, an outdoor movie in Balboa Park — you name it! https://www.meetup.com/UrbanBikeAndSocialClub/
FENCING The Scholars of Alcalá focus on fencing manuals written in the 16th and early 17th century. This includes the knightly arming sword, the two-handed longsword, the common soldiers’ long knife, and the civilian’s rapier.
SOCCER TECHNICAL SKILLS TRAINING COURSES/PRACTICE at UTC and Carlsbad. This is a group for players looking to improve their skills. Saturday mornings 8:30-10.00 and organized by a certified UEFA coach from England. https://www.meetup.com/Soccer-Technical-Skills-Training-UTC/
NORTH COUNTY TENNIS MEETUP We meet every Saturday and Sunday at 8 am at Carlsbad High School. We typically get between 20 and 24 people. Most of us are in the 3.0 to 4.0 range. If you can’t find us on the courts, call me on my cell, 760-717-9423
PACIFIC BEACH SPIKEBALL CLUB This meetup is for people that like to play Spikeball and have difficulty finding people with whom to regularly play. We play on Mission and Pacific Beach and all skill levels welcome. https://www.meetup.com/Pacific-Beach-Spikeball-Meetup/
SOCCER IN DEL MAR Pick up soccer on Sunday mornings at 8 am. Our primary location is the Solana Pacific Elementary School field. These are friendly games: reduced contact and no slide tackles. https://www.meetup.com/Del-Mar-Pick-Up-Soccer/
GOLF CLUB SET AND BAG 13 clubs, signature Chi Chi Rodriguez, very good condition, $60. Can send photo 760-214-3122
NORTH COUNTY SOCCER This group was started to setup pickup soccer games in North County. We do our best to keep it casual. http://bit.ly/2P00rLL
GOLF GROUP This is a social co-ed golf group that is very active. We welcome golfers of all skill levels. http://bit.ly/31w0VMd
MEN’S SLOW PITCH SOFTBALL at 2600 Golf Course Road near 26th Street (619)494-3555.
GIORDANO ROAD RACING bike, early 80’s, ready to ride, campagnolo, shimano, look pedals $50. 619-443-4219
GIANT RINCON MOUNTAIN BICYCLE $160, 22” frame, 26” tires, text Don in Oceanside at 760-214-4007
BURLEY HEPCAT recumbent bicycle $650, brand new in Mira Mesa. This bike has sat in a warehouse since 2006, the year it was made. I replaced the tubes and gave it a full tune up. Chromoly medium frame with aluminum front fork. Text me 760-718-2768
LARGE 2018 CANNONDALE TRIGGER 1 XX1 mountain bike $3500 in Oceanside. It was purchased not even a year ago for over $7,000 and has sat largely un-ridden. I am asking for $3500. Text me at 650-556-4797
ORANGE ONE SPEED BIKE $60, Mission Valley, in good condition. Text if interested: 480-275-1537
20 INCH 7 SPEED red Schwinn bicycle $25. 619- 540-0538
FUJI 29ER BIKE $325 large frame, hydraulic brakes, shock with lockout. Text 760-815-3356
GIANT OCR3 ROAD BIKE with STI shifters for $260 in Santee. Very good condition, 27 speed, 43CM, excellent tires, please call or text 619-578-4983.
ATTN BMX BANDITS old school Schwinn Predator Qualifier 20″ BMX bike $200 all original except front wheel. Call 760-224-0512 if interested.
NEWLYWED OR COUPLE BIKES 21 Speed his and her set in Oceanside. No rust on frame or chain $200. 714-331-5552
PRE WAR 1950S SCHWINN BIKE Excelsior Cruiser for $325 in San Marcos. Call if interested 760-224-0512
FUJI/ABSOLUTE Almost new, 21-speed, 19 inch, orange, Shimano/Altus, new hybrid tires, new shifters, new pedals, Hillcrest, $175, call Tedd, 619-298-4777.
2016 HARLEY DAVIDSON Forty-Eight for sale for $9000, XL1200 motor with less than 7k miles. Bike runs and sounds great. Cash in-hand for test rides. No tire kickers or low balls. Call or text Tony @ 858-880-5342 for any questions or inquiries.
1967 HONDA SCRAMBLER MOTORCYCLE 125cc, 1726 original miles, very clean for its age and everything works. Text me at 760-718-2768; I’m located in Mira Mesa
MOTORCYCLE SIDECAR CJ750 $3800 I have a really rare CJ750 motorcycle. Tags are current call me at 760-688-5848
‘01 YAMAHA R6 MOTORCYCLE, $600 Not running, extended swing arm, near new tires, Yoshimura exhaust, steel braided lines, race tech suspension, lots of good stuff. Engine turns over but wont start. Call or text 619-621-9353
2002 SUZUKI LS 650 Selling for $500, have title. 951-502-9280
2015 POLARIS SLINGSHOT three-wheeled motorcycle/vehicle $12,900, 16K miles, please have cash on hand if you would like to test drive it, but no joy rides, call/text 714-858-5353 Emanuel.
1970 HARLEY DAVIDSON Shovelhead Chopper motorcycle w 1200cc, king and queen seat, beehive front hub call Adam at 310 562 5403.
1997 LEXUS ES 300 Low miles, luxury package. Pearl white with tan interior, clean title and is smogged. $2,995. Call 619-948-1429.
2005 BMW 325CI Excellent condition, new tires, new paint, runs great. New October 2020 tags, $2,200. 619-300-2970
2000 BMW 323CI CONVTBLE Clean title, low miles, new tires, good condition, asking $2,500 or best offer. 858-382-4803
2015 KIA OPTIMA LX 4 door sedan, automatic, original owner, black, bluetooth, 84K, Carfax. $11,589 OBO. 619-226-8158
TRAILER FOR SALE 20 feet long, new tires, works great, new lights. Selling for $650 OBO 951-502-9280.
95 CHEROKEE GRAND JEEP rear view mirror and Service Manual Book. Both in beautiful condition, El3 0l2598 both $50. Cash only txt for pics 619-395-4081.
1981 CHEVY EL CAMINO always garaged. Not perfect but very nice shape 231 buick. On non op. Serious only $11,000 obo. Text preferred 619-631-9258
1938 BUICK FOR SALE 4 door sedan. Olds 350/350 drivetrain. 4” chop. Disc brakes. Edelbrock equipped. Many extras. Bob 760-943-7326. $11K Firm
1993 VOLVO 850 GLT 101,582 mi, $2500, very nice, call for details 760-207-7440 Vista.
1965 CORVAIR MONZA $500 runs and drives, common rust areas: front floor pans, under windshield, one rear pillar, bill of sale only (619) 646-0562 call Carlos.
RENT MY VW JETTA For $32-$35/day and my 2015 Passat for $40/day and $25 off at http://bit.ly/jetta_rent.
1970 DATSUN ROADSTER 1600 Last chance! No more garage. Low miles, engine strong. Needs exhaust gasket. Bright yellow! [email protected] (619)519-4562 text or call
2000 24FT JAMBOREE 350 super duty V10. Excellent condition, many extras $14,000.00 619-981-5745
KIA SOUL 2016 FOR SALE Automatic, 4-cylinder, aluminum wheels, 33,000 mi., spare tire included, available to see: 619-846-5579, $14,500 negotiable.
1999 TOYOTA COROLLA LE 130,000 miles, white, smooth ride, north San Diego. 760-443-2723, asking $4,795.
1999 MERCURY SABLE Runs great, clean inside, new brakes and tires. Mileage 57,000. Pass smog. Asking price $1,470 or OBO. call 619-227-3900.
‘03 HYUNDAI ELANTRA $600 Well maintained for life. Leave your info. Well maintained from original owner. Runs well. $600 pls leave message 858-883-2287
FLATHEAD V8 AND CLASSIC AUTO PARTS in North Park. Have drop axles, numerous car manifolds, three speed transmissions, etc. Call retired Navy veteran 619-987-4351 any time, will return all voice mails.
PONTIAC FIREHAWK 1994 Rare find, #366 out of 500 made. 24,000 miles, V8 LP1, approximately 450 hp, excellent running condition. 1-760-271-6529
2010 DODGE TRUCK CREWCAB Model SLT, excellent condition, loaded, all options sold. New: $38k, clean title, one owner. $9,400. Call 760-802-1940 hurry!
1949 GMC PU 22K. Orig. Gorgeous. 619-807-1391
2010 DODGE TRUCK CREWCAB Model lst, excellent condition, all factory options. Two owners, clean title/new smog. New: $38k, price: $9,400. 760-802-1940
1988 CHEVY MOTORHOME For sale in Tijuana for $2695 dlls. Has a kitchen and bathroom and runs well. http://bit.ly/tj-motorhome
WHEELS (2) 18”, (2) 19”. 2005 Chev Corvette.Like new, not on the road in 14 years. $350 each. Call John, 619-997-9241.
Help Wanted
OFFICE ASSISTANT WANTED! Own office, computer, telephone line, research, filing, some computer knowledge. Hours can be negotiated, must be smart and have your own transportation. [email protected]
DELIVERY DRIVER JOBS Make up to $17 / Hour. Must use your own Mini-Van or Cargo Van. Pass Drug, Background Check. PT / FT avail. 858-444-2350
VOLUNTEER DRIVERS PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) in San Diego is looking for volunteer drivers to help pick up donations from food banks, grocery stores, and restaurants and deliver them to our interim housing facility. PATH provides breakfast and dinner to 100-135 individuals in need every day of the year. Weekly, monthly, and substitute drivers are needed. This is a great opportunity to support our community members in need and decrease food waste. For more information call Sigrid at 619-810-8606 or email [email protected]
EDUCATION. Break Person for preschool teachers Monday-Friday, 11am-6pm. Must have minimum of 2 years experience plus core ECE units including Infant/Toddler class, fingerprint clearance on file, TB and immunizations. Dana, 619-295-4147; e-mail [email protected].
REGISTERED CAREGIVERS Immediate work. Hourly/live-in available. Must have reliable transportation. Assertive Care at Home, 8893 La Mesa Blvd., Ste B, La Mesa. 619-466-6890.
HOME CARE ASSISTANCE - CAREGIVERS NEEDED Come work for the best! Home Care Assistance is San Diego’s leading home care agency. We offer 12 hour shifts and competitive wages. For more information please call 858-842-1346 or stop by our office at 7521 Fay Avenue in La Jolla 10am-4pm Monday - Friday or call our North County office at 760-635-3646. Get started by applying online at http://www.HCAmatch.com
HELP WANTED Fence erector. Chain link fence installation and repair. No drugs- no felons. CA drivers license. 619-749-1494
COLLECT SIGNATURES Political Petitions. $100 - $200/day. Paid 3x/week. Start immediately. Flexible hours. All areas. Call 619-819-7700.
PRESCHOOL TEACHERS Full time teachers needed for a play-based private preschool. If interested, please send resume to [email protected]
USS MIDWAY MUSEUM needs safety volunteers. Training provided: all new safety volunteers must complete an initial 1 day training and orientation session after accomplishing the self-guided museum tour at least once. Call (619) 544-9600
PAINTERS WANTED McFaddin’s painting is now hiring. You must have own transportation, own tools and must be able to be on payroll since my workman’s comp runs through this. My company has been in business for 26 years. Call Paul McFaddin at (760) 807-1645 for info.
PAINTER NEEDED EXTERIOR Exp, painter needed for exterior of home in University Heights. Need estimate, scaffold up, references needed. Txt 619-405-6258
CAREGIVER WANTED NORTH PK Caregiver- experienced, reliable, cleared live scan ,TB test, light weekday & weekends. 619-520-5307 [email protected]
SEEKING INTERNS FOR RADIO GoHAM Radio® seeks interns for Fall/Winter Season. Exper. not necessary but preferred. Email resumes: [email protected]
HANDYMAN NEEDED as caregiver, secretary. 619-479-4212
VOLUNTEER TUTORS WANTED: The Children’s Corps- AARP Experience Corps is currently recruiting volunteers ages 50+ to tutor during the after school learning programs in Central San Diego, Southeast San Diego and Lemon Grove. By volunteering as a The Children’s Initiative AARP Experience Corps Volunteer Tutor, you will help change the course of students’ lives. Experience Corps is a proven reading program made up of tutors who work with readers in Kindergarten through 3rd grade to help them with their literacy skills. To learn more and attend an information session please contacts An Das or Kristin Shea at [email protected] or call 858-581-5887, [email protected] or call 858-581-5880.
VOLUNTEER TO READ TO KIDS Want to make a difference? Join us every weekend to read to a child in need in one of our StoryTents. Visit travelingstories.org/volunteer today!
HAVE A SPARE BEDROOM? Earn a competitive stipend caring for an adult with a developmental disability in your home. Minimum requirements: Spare bedroom, proficiency in English, driver’s license and high school diploma/ GED. Call today! www.MentorsWanted.com. 858-694-0120.
COMPUTER NETWORK SPECIALIST Back up network data, configure security settings or access permissions, and identify causes of networking problems using diagnostic testing software and equipment. Bachelor’s degree or foreign degree equivalent in Comp Eng, Comp Science, or related field req’d. Mail resume to Attn: Joe Faltaous, Jellybean Entertainment, Inc., 9845 Erma Rd #207, San Diego, CA 92131
Jobs Wanted
GERIATRIC SOCIAL WORKER will provide companionship, will prepare meals, shop, drive to appointments, light housekeeping. Call Carol @ 858-525-1154.
SEEKING WORK House companion, driver, cook, shopping, cleaning. Educated European lady. Live-in/out, full time/part time. Excellent references. Donna 619-664-4509 or 858-270-7532
CAREGIVER I am a caregiver looking to care for or be a companion for you/loved one. Lt hskg, no heavy lifting M-F, FT, PT 619-495-2107
HOUSESITTER/ PETSITTER Mature, responsible, dependable. Lots of credentials: loving care of your pet/plants, non-smoking home. 512-569-1139 BessMcCarty.com
CAREGIVER I will care for you/your loved one. I’m honest, caring, reliable, reasonable. M-F, ft, pt, wknds. 619-495-2107
CAREGIVER experienced in extreme cases, Diabetic care, meals, exercise, personal care, doctor’s appointments, and shopping. Call 760-224-3467
AVAILABLE FOR PET/HOUSE SITTING Reasonable prices. Call Edna 858-842-4249.
WOULD LIKE LAWN MOWING JOBS in lemon grove only. Currently without auto so need close to home. Mow only $10pr yard 619-631-9258
CAREGIVER FOR ELDERLY I will care and be a companion for you or a loved one. Stellar references! Full or part time. CPR certified. 541-844-8712
WE WOULD LIKE POSTCARDS from anywhere and everywhere! Please send to Christopher Gilstrap at 9700 Gilman Dr PMB 209, La Jolla, CA 92093-5010. We write back!
BOB BUYS TRAINS Lionel, MTH and American Flyer trains wanted. Cash paid at your location. In a box in the garage for years. Call 760-579-2234
WANTED: NEW HF HAM RADIO Will trade for my $800 violin. Please text 619-393-2253
CHAIR WANTED Small, wheeled office type chair in good condition 858-703-7584
INDIAN ARTIFACTS WANTED Indian arrowheads/artifacts wanted for personal collection. No interest in modern reproductions. Call Steve at 619-985-8562.
WANTED PASSIVE 4K 3D TV I’d like to buy a new or used 55” or larger 4K passive 3D TV including remote and if possible, 3D glasses. [email protected]
MASSAGE TABLE WANTED My love works hard to support me and my daughters and he never asks for anything in return. I used to have an old massage table and I would give him a proper massage at home when we found the time. He loved this more than anything. My budget is between $50-$75. http://bit.ly/31syPBR
FOOD TRUCK WANTED at Veterans Village Tent. 2801 Sports Arena Blvd. Point Loma
LOST COACH WALLET at Mission Bay. Hello, we lost a coach wallet between the Belmont Park and San Luis. It’s white with flowers on it. My name is Jo and my phone number is 702-945-3956. Reward will be given.
ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES Rock and roll I buy 1950’s-1980’s concert posters, flyers, handbills, used-unused tickets, programs. Pls call (619)522-0283 private Party.
LOST AT GOODWILL EL CAJON Accidentally dropped off 2 goblets with sentimental value inscribed Old Town Mexican Cafe. Pay you $30 + shipping 619-749-9334.
FISHING TACKLE Collector wants for his personal collection wooden lures, reels, and Misc. by Heddon, Pflueger, Creek Chub, South Bend, Shakespeare, to name a few. Call or text pictures to: 619-972-3488
WILL PAY CASH.... For Records, CDs, DVDs, and clothes. Professional Singing Lessons available. Musicians Wanted. Call Jeff Clark, 858-382-7396.
WANTED. Cash for Walt Disney autographs, items, paper, original animation art, old Disneyland items, any type comics all before 1970. No Prints or videos. 619-890-1390.
WANTED: Speakers, amps and other old stereo gear! The most cash paid always! Brands like JBL, Altec, McIntosh, Marantz and more! Call 1(619)-303-8031; e-mail [email protected].
WANTED Homeless guy needs running truck/van. It’s cold at night and I can sure use and appreciate it. Thank you. Alex (619)451-4881
STEREO GEAR/ LP RECORDS. Cash paid! Vintage/ newer. Old amps, tuners, speakers, turntables. McIntosh, JBL, Marantz, etc. Prerecorded reel tapes, jazz/ rock records. John, 619-889-5237.
Garage Sales
ESCONDIDO ESTATE/GARAGE SALE with vintage items and antiques. Prices start from $20.00 to $ 1495.00 or OBO. Please call/text 619-888-0877 for an appointment.
NORMAL HEIGHTS GARAGE SALE Call after 9AM by appointment only at 619-255-6324
GARAGE SALE AT POWAY/RB HOUSE Packed with good stuff! November 7th. (619) 518-8663
SANTEE ESTATE SALE featuring a 1932 Ford, guns and coins. Nov 8-10. AESSD.com, call (619) 379-3620 for address and details.
NORTH PARK SAT + SUN 9-6PM Big multi-household sale. 3369 28TH STREET - 92104. Nov 2-3 and Nov 9-10. Weather permitting.
CHULA VISTA MULTI FAM GARAGE SALE November 2nd, 644 G St, 91910. First Baptist Free Will Church.
SKYLINE SWAP Clean out your home and find items to swap or donate. For more details go to www.facebook.com/skylineswap
For Sale
LADIES JEWELRY, open price. Slow cooker, 1.5 quarts, Kitchen Elements, like new, $10. Plus other items, medium clothing. Call 619-283-8417
INTERNATIONAL POSTAGE STAMP ALBUMS 2, Scott. $100 or best offer. Collection. mike Schaefer, Mission Valley 213-479-6006
LOTSA TIN! Tin cup, tin men, pushing tin, 3 dvd’s good condition, $12 for all three or best offer. Angelina, Billy Bob, Costner, Cusack, De Vito, Dreyfuss. 619-420-3312
HALLOWEEN ASYLUM 6 foot straitjacket, two antique green gurgling lamps, cedar chest 1947, one king palm tree. you dig out. Please make offers, 619-772-7799
HEAVY DUTY TRANSFER BENCH new $95, selling for $20. Folding commode, new $20. 858-203-3915
NEO ANGLE SHOWER PAN $10. Call 619-448-1910
WHOLESALE BED FRAMES! Brand new! Twin/full $19. Queen/king $29. 1021 Bay Blvd. Ste. J Chula Vista 619-426-3120 www.brunswickmattresswarehouse.com
$99 BED SALE! Choose from twin, full, queen and king bed close-outs. Various styles. While they last. $99. includes headboard, footboard & rails. Mattresses sold separately. 1021 Bay Blvd. Ste. J Chula Vista 91911 619-426-3120 www.brunswickmattresswarehouse.com
ATTN SAN DIEGO CLOWNS Sun Unicycle for sale. $50. Good shape. http://bit.ly/sd_uni
PAPER SHOW OSWALD SHOT Ruby shoots Oswald, Daily News 11/25/1963, in a frame. $250 cash only. 619-449-3710 see in Santee, CA.
EVENFLO CAR SEAT FOR SALE $35 car seat for sale, excellent condition
(619) 520-5307 txt to request pics.
SOLAR PANEL GROUND MOUNT Universal mount holds 10 large panels, used when roof’s aren’t suitable for installing panels, excellent, $2,600 (760)746-7209
PULP, PAPERBACK SALE Garage sale prices: Pulps, collectible paperbacks, some comics, graphic novels, movies(most R/UN).
MOVING SALE EL CAJON tools, bedroom set, kitchen table with chairs, 1950’s Grundig Majestic stereo, tv table, and more. Valerie 619-248-9695 8am-7pm Monday-Sunday.
FOLDING BED $50, like new. 619-795-0900
PA SYSTEM Carvin mp6000, 140 watts, 6 channel, 14 inch woofers, 50 ft cables, $250 OBO. 619-449-2336
GUARDIAN FOLDING WALKER Guardian. Instructions and warranty. Height adjustment. Never used. $25. 4808 Kensington Dr.m Off Adams Ave.
COLOR COPIER $800. Print/scan/fax. 35 ppm. Can deliver. Service available. (619) 282-6252
BOSCH COUNTERTOP Top of the line electric stove. New, installed in home, then removed. $250 OBO. (619) 298-7051 any time.
DESK, FORMICA TOP WOOD BOTTOM excellent condition, in storage. Great value, can send photos, $800 new, sell for $100. 760-214-3122
BACKPACK, HACKER BY KIPLING new, never used, olive green with black straps, nylon, and canvas, inside pockets. $150 value, sell for $75. Can text photo 760-214-3122
18TH CENTURY SPANISH OIL PAINTING of Miros Virgen De La Napkin in gold leaf frame. Authenticated by the curator of San Diego Museum of Art, $1,000. 619-427-3350
PAIR OF SIGNED ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS by the internationally acclaimed artist Miriam Sowers 1923-2008. 619-427-3350
CANON IP 6000 $275 619-316-7846.
WOOD DESK Excellent condition with matching chair. Upholstered. El Cajon. [email protected]
FISH TANK Custom 55 gal fresh water tank including all mature fish, plus filter system. No reasonable offer refused. Mark 858-245-7026
FURNITURE One very beautiful dresser and cabinet, negotiable. Another dresser, rectangular, multi drawer and cabinet, and more, very cheap and negotiable. I must move. Please call Mike 760-295-2219. Please come and look for yourself.
BEAUTIFUL QUILT king size, like new, $60. 619-574-0030, please leave a message.
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS roller skates, Bont, size 37, size 6.5 women, with Rollerbones Day of the Dead 94A wheels, in Escondido, $260. http://bit.ly/diamuertos-skates
BE A KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR Includes knight shield, sword, mask and a vest for $25, El Cajon. http://bit.ly/knight_elcajon
RUSTY METAL DECORATIVE TRELLISES Great condition. 4 total. 1st set $40 2nd $30. Text @760-450-2666 for info & pics.
ZIPPER PULLS - $150 LOT For clothes/bags/crafts/etc. You’ll need storage space/ time to organize. Over 10,000 units. Under penny each. (858) 945-425
DOOR KNOBS Stroke handles in brass, 8, two sided with center turn button, good condition, no dents or scratches, $6 each. 1-858-484-4483
ORIGINAL RICK GRIFFIN ART Pen and ink on illustration board. 9.5 in by 10.5 in logo for ‘Tropix’ surfboard wax, 1972, mint condition. $5,500 619-295-4208 leave message.
Business Opportunities
VETERAN’S TROPHY BUSINESS FOR QUICK SALE Value $12,000 offer $10,000. Located in San Diego, owner has retired and is selling the business. All inventory is in storage. 858-805-5556 or 858-805-5555
Career Training
FREE* JOB TRAINING. Learn valuable skills to get you back on the job! Grossmont College offers a Free full-time, one-semester training program for office professional positions. Specializations in: Accounting, Insurance, and Office Support. Job placement assistance provided! Attend info meeting December 3 or 13. Program starts January 6. Subject to qualification. 619-644-7247. www.grossmont.edu/opt
(Businesses can use this too for $5 classified ads)
Your ad will automatically run for 2 weeks.
TOYOTA TACOMA Bonnie Cota said you have my repossessed 1998 Toyota Tacoma truck, automatic. Pamela Stickler, general delivery San Diego 92138
MANNY BEAR Please call Sissy ASAP, she has info on Walter Wizz. This story holds water. Please get one and don’t watch. Love, Bud and Sissy
LOOKING TO RECONNECT WITH FRIENDS My name is Floyd Newsome and I lived in San Diego 1980-88, and I want try to reconnect with friends. Best known for being a gas pump attendant at San Diego Yellow Cab 1984-86. I now live in Savannah GA. I can be reached on Facebook, or 803-702-1114
TIM Just wanted to let you know you are very special to me and I love you baby boy!! Love, j
KELLY FRETZ! Happy birthday!!! We love you lots. Truly- Lisa, Timmy, and Jayme
KERIE You’re a fox. In French, you would be called “la renarde” and you’d be hunted with only your cunning to protect you. Eli
V. I know we have our ups and downs but who doesn’t? Anyways, I just want you to know, I love ya! Cheech
TO THE LADY WITH RED HAIR AND PLAID PANTS I find you extremely pretty. In Chula Vista court on October 21. Please call Craig 619-581-0183
CLASSIFIEDS ARE awesome and unforgettable!
MY BEAUTIFUL BOBO CHEECH No words can express the never-ending love and desire I hold for you. Till the end of time, Me.
SEEKING A TRAVEL COMPANION Old Dead Head veteran headed for Big Sur and Redwood Points North seeking female companion for the trip. Might be gone forever, animals welcome. Call Bill 619-748-2847.
AT WARPED TOUR when Offspring headlined. You’re a young, nice-height, boy with a mohawk. I really want to talk to you again. I’m 18 and my hair was purple and kinky curly shoulder length. I had on eyeliner and black lipstick, fishnets and 8-eye Dr. Martens. I need to find this boy.
SORRY I GAVE YOU THE BIRD Dear Mr. ‘Red Car’ on 78E, you were passing me after riding my bumper because I was only doing 70 in a 65 mph. You sufficiently scared me and decided you then needed to cut over to get off on the same exit. I shouldn’t have flipped you off, and I apologize.
LOST MY GLASSES between City Heights and North Park. If they’re not already roadkill, there’s a reward for anyone who finds them. They are plastic, dark-greenish tortoise colored in a tan hard case.
BEAUTIFUL LADY IN GRAY SWEATS at Starbucks on College and North R in Oceanside, you were behind me in line. I’m the black guy with the tank top on and tattoos. Reach out here if you happen to see this.
LIFE IS KRYPTONITE with no awesome girl. If anyone out knows who my Awesome Girl is and you read this, let her know that Captain Awesome (in Santee) is worried. Something is wrong and I can feel it. Mmy life force is fading and I don’t have much time left here in this world.
BIRTHDAY CHEERS Rachael is 30 in Jan and loves getting b-day cards. Help make her big 30 special. 7615 Othello Ave Ste. A San Diego, CA 92109
MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE Kerie, if you were a President you would be Baberham Lincoln. Love Eli.
FRIENDS OF JAMES HARPER (JIM) Please call Jim’s family (619)917-6975
MOTORCYCLES AND CAMPING We camp from our motos, mostly within an hour or two from San Diego — that way, if you have a job, you can still get out for a little adventure. We go to county and state parks
FREE PSYCHIC HEALING/LECTURE CLINIC Free reading for new visitors 7:30pm, the last Wednesday of the month. 10/30/19, 1/29/2020, 2/26/2020, and 3/25/2020 by Vessa’s Clairvoyant Intuitive Program Graduates. 4455 Moreno Blvd. Ste. 108, San Diego, CA 92117. 858-509-7582
COOL STUFF FOR DOG LOVERS Check out www.mytimes7.com for original dog inspired designs on shirts, mugs, and decals. Avail of free shipping & discounts!
QUOTES AND JOKES WEBSITE Good quotes and jokes on website .www.davidalmada.com
OUR FOREFATHER ENOCH wanted all of us to know that we can do what he did (Gen. 5:22-24). People’s Co-op, 4765 Voltaire St, Nov 21, 7-8:30pm. Free
ASCENSION CRAFT FAIR Spaces are still available at our Nov. 9, 9-1, Holiday Cart Fair. Registration information at www.ascension-church.com
HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR Ascension Craft Fair Nov. 9, 9 to 1. Find one of a kind gifts for everyone made by local crafters! 5106 Zion Ave., SD 92120
IS YOUR CAR DIRTY? ECBPA car wash to support El Capitan music department. 11/09/19 9am-1:30p,, Santee Lakeside Elks lodge.
RESEARCH COMPANY LOOKING FOR people with mental illness, bipolar, schizophrenia, depression. Call 619-761-2102, ask for Travis, referral only,
SEEKING TRAVEL COMPANION for road trips and general camping in La Jolla and abroad. I have the equipment, and the ride. Rob 619-5181521
FOUND WETSUIT La Jolla, Mt. Soledad Road, John. 619-443-4219
BODY ARTIST AVAILABLE Relax and get painted as your favorite character with an airbrush. Please call 619-635-7182 to book. Superior Airbrush.
AUTOIMMUNE SUPPORT GROUP Learn, share, and connect with others who have chronic illness. Every 3rd Saturday at Serra Mesa Library. Starts Nov. 16th.
COSTUME SHOP Free ATM for your customers. Will pay rent. Fully serviced and maintained: email [email protected]
POETRY CRITIQUE GROUP Come workshop your poems with other poets. Group meets every other Tuesday at 7pm. Send sample to [email protected].
BOGO 50% OFF SIP AND PAINT Buy one get one 50% off a Private Sip and Paint Party for 2 or more. Use promo code: BOGOSIP. https://bit.ly/2kEX8x2
WIDOW OR WIDOWER? Interested in friendly activities? Please join our social club, Widows or Widowers (WOW) of San Diego. Web: www.wowsd.org
TBI RESEARCH STUDIES Recruiting for paid research study on TBI-related headaches at the VA San Diego Hospital. Please contact: 858-210-8908.
SAVING JOSHUA TREES Local new start-up is offering baby Joshua Trees to concerned people. Mission Beach: www.joshuatreeplantadoptions.com
UCSD ALZHEIMER’S STUDY $ Ages 50-80 with Alzheimer’s. FDA approved medication free for 24 weeks plus payment. [email protected] (619)471-9455
TV SMART BOX No cable bills, free movies, sports, live tv shows, Pay Per View, free demonstration, waranteed, call now (619)850-3264. $150 money back guarantee.
WE BUY ENFAMIL AND SIMILAC baby formula. We pick them up in San Diego and surrounding cities call or text (951) 230-1357.
[email protected] Are you a student that needs to complete community service hours? Let us help you learn valuable skills and $
UCSD EEG RESEARCH STUDY This research study involves using an FDA-approved medication and EEG. Call (619)543-2314 or email [email protected].
PEN PALS WANTED Older man, currently hospitalized, no internet desires pen pals. Write to Dave DiMino 3102 East Highland Ave #21 Patton, CA 92369
“OVERCOMING BETRAYAL IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM” Written by fRee SPiRiT UNiQUe.... Available Now on.... iTunes, Amazon, Xlibris and Barnesandnoble.com!!
FOSTER ORPHANED PUPPIES AND KITTENS Get your puppy or kitten fix by providing a temporary home for orphaned pets! Helen Woodward Animal Center provides all supplies and medical care while you provide love & transport for 2-3 weeks! Call 858-756-4117 x366 to learn more.
LIFE IS DESIGNED TO WORK Workshop Sun Nov 3, 3-4:30 on the Life Is Designed to Work thought system, integrated w/ NLP JaneCohenCounseling.com/events.
FREE MOVEMENT CLASS at Breath body connection, Tues. 7pm donation based- ecstatic dance, chakra meditation, sound healing. All ages and bodies
AUTOCAD DRAFTING OR TUTORING $30 or less per hour + mileage (619) 708-2812.
SERRADA ESCRIMA AND FILIPINO empty-hand self defense classes. [email protected]. Learn reiki, a useful and ancient energy healing technique. For more information call 760-846-0289
VOLLEYBALL BEACH CLASSES starting now. learn the art of beach volleyball at south Mission Beach. IG:@sandiegobeachvolleyball FB:sdbvl
GRATEFUL DEAD MUSIC LESSONS Learn the guitar styles of Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir from an experienced, patient instructor. I have been performing Grateful Dead music and teaching for 25+ years. Visit my website at www.LarryFlynnMusic.com/
CLASSES IN RADIO CONTROL BOATING at San Diego Model Boat Pond. Scale Boats; Sail Boats; Power Boat Check us out here: www.facebook.com/SanDiegoArgonauts
YOGA IN CHULA VISTA Discover the benefits of yoga at Revel Yoga at the Chula Vista Mall. Welcoming to all regardless of gender, age, or experience. Affordable class packages include entry level to challenging classes. 555 Broadway Ste 2020 (next to Sears)
SOCIAL SKILLS GROUPS For ages 6-18. Children and adolescents who may have ASD, ADHD or anxiety train in leadership studies in group. Center for Educational Therapy [email protected] 619-577-1210
MATH/ SCIENCE TUTOR Tutor available for high school / college-level math, biology, chemistry, physics. Email me at [email protected]
AFFORDABLE PRIVATE YOGA All ages, qualified and experienced yoga therapist, flexible location and times: [email protected]
TAI CHI AND QI GONG CLASSES, Meditation In Movement. First class is free. Taoist Sanctuary of San Diego, 619-692-1155 or www.taoistsanctuary.org.
PHLEBOTOMY TRAINING California approved Phlebotomy Training. Day Eve and Weekend classes, start your new career today! www.PhlebotomyUSA.com
HORSEBACK RIDING LESSONS Try something new and change your life with our wonderful horses - right by the Mission in Oceanside! 5 and up. iveyranch.com
PLAY PIANO the way you want to! Pop, classical, jazz, blues, improvise. FREE lesson/interview. Over 40 years’ experience teaching and performing. E-mail: [email protected] or call: 619-281-8118. See www.LeeGalloway.com.
CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY Eliminate your credit card and other unsecured debt. Law Office of Frank D Walker. Contact Mel Quevedo legal asst. 619-755-2365
P.L. WOODEN MOBILE NOTARY Do you need Loan Signing, Pre-need Home Going Planning , or Notary services for someone that is Hospitalized , in Senior care or maybe Incarcerated? If so, look no further. Call P.L Wooden Mobile Notary for all of your Notary Needs At: 619-867-4441
GAM CONSTRUCTION Additions, repairs, new construction, plans, permits. Se habla espanol. Visa/ Mastercard/ Discover. Lic#617134. 619-779-0668.
AFFORDABLE PLUMBING/ Drains. 619-572-4917. Always free estimates. A+ BBB. Senior and Military Discount. 40 years Lic#420608.
ALPHA MEGA ENTERPRISES Tax, real estate appraisal, general home services, handy man. Call Yoly Ding Sadangsal 858-848-4462
SUSAN TUTORS/LANCE IT Copywriting provides expert language arts instruction and expression, non-fiction and fiction or poetry. Contact Susan Taylor 858-740-7264 or [email protected]
US ELECTRIC CONTRACTING Fast, free estimates. Full service, residential and commercial, new construction, remodels, custom work, service and repair. No job too big or too small. 10% 1st time senior discount. CA lic#1009252. Insured. BBB Accredited. 858 880 6080.
FREE SNAKE REMOVAL I am a lover of snakes and hate seeing them killed. I relocate all the snakes I catch. I am an expert of the snakes here in Southern California; venomous or not, I will remove it and relocate it for you. I’m in North County, if you are close enough to me, I will not charge you anything — free on me. Call or text me at 760-846-6677
PORTRAIT ARTIST FOR HIRE I am a New York based artist, with an MFA in traditional painting and drawing techniques. I have been working as a portrait and commission artist for the past twenty years. Though I specialize in family portraits, I also do landscapes, pet portraits, murals, and abstract paintings. I can work from sittings, or from long distance, via photos. I work mostly with graphite, acrylic, and oil paints; but I am proficient in all mediums. Add me on Instagram @lopresti_arts
CHIMNEY SWEEPER FOR HIRE we also do dryer vent cleaning, HVAC tuneups, outdoor AC units, and chimney relining, call 858-869-3688.
HAIR BRAIDER 4 HIRE My name is Marie, and I am a braider here in Chula Vista. This month we offer: Senegalese twists, passion twists, Bohemian twists. My Facebook is @mariebraids01 Send me a message for quotes
NEED AN IKEA FURNITURE AND FIXTURE ASSEMBLER TO HIRE? We are a 15 year finish carpenter/cabinet makers, who specializes in design, assembly, and installation of the Ikea Kitchen. Call 619-394-0419 for a quote
TINY HOME DESIGN SERVICES Tour, design and build your dream tiny home! www.zentinyhomes.com
PRIVATE CHEF FOR HIRE 40+ years experience as professional chef. Creating amazing culinary experiences for individuals, families and businesses. 760-717-2627
SAN MARCOS BARBER Twin Oaks Hair Design. 15 years, same location. Check me on Yelp! Glenn @760-744-5076
FREE REFERRAL SERVICE for seniors in need of senior living options. Call 858-337-0420 or www.cpforseniors.com
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS CATRINA face painter for hire. I am now accepting bookings for Day of the Dead, parties, Halloween. For kids it starts at $10 depending on what design. http://bit.ly/diamuertos-face
CHALKBOARD ARTIST FOR HIRE Interior, exterior, illustrations, graphics, abstract art, painting, branding, calligraphy, live art for events, menu sign, drawing, decoration, convention or events. IG:goartjar 713-291-9889
SCOOTER REPAIR tune ups, oil changes, carbs clean up, damaged parts replacement, aftermarket accessories installation, troubleshooting, detailing and more. 760-805-8916
NEED A FACE PAINTER for your party? I was trained at Seaworld and have been working at events for 5 years now. Currently a preschool teacher and great with kids and I can do adult parties as well. I can paint about 12 kids per hour and I charge $60/hr. Follow me on Insta @ladybugbodyart.
VACATION RENTAL MANAGER Vacation rental? Let me show you what I can do to increase your bookings, maintain five star ratings, and manage your rental. Proven record with years of experience/references. Considering vacation rental? I can take care of it all!732-915-9974
COUNSELING IN CARLSBAD Evening appts. Licensed Clinical Counselor. LPCC CA #296. Severe mental illness, depression, anxiety, addictions, integrated mental health (IMMH). Cognitive therapy. Medi-Cal & sliding scale. www.robertpricelpcc.com,[email protected] 619-435-1790.
CABINET DOORS ONLY Any size, any style, any amount. Save money! lic# 876602 Insured www.cabinetdoorsonly.com, Call or text 619-415-7729.
ROB’S ELECTRICAL SERVICES Residential/Commercial/Industrial. 20+ years experience, C10 Lic# 966537. Guaranteed to beat any quote! 10% OFF for new clients. Call for free estimate: 619-632-7770. [email protected]. www.robselectricalservices.com.
VISTA THREE ROOMS FOR RENT Nightly, weekly, monthly. All rooms negotiable, all prices negotiable. All rooms unfurnushed, bring cot or sleeping bag. TV, bathroom, washer/dryer, gas and electric included. Call Mike 760-295-2219.
ROOMMATE MIRA MESA 11/1 Clean 3 bdrm 2 bath hm. Walk to shop, eat, etc, no smoking, no pets, 55yrs up 1 male prefrd $1200+ dep incl utility. 619-997-6010
I’M LOOKING to find a place with one or two other girls! Looking in Little Italy, Point Loma, North Park. downtown areas. Looking to move beginning of December and trying to stay under $1500. About me: 27, and work as a physician assistant in downtown and Hillcrest! https://www.facebook.com/carly.babis
ROOM FOR RENT $900 Available now, share upstairs bath, perfect for students! No drugs, non smoker, no pets. [email protected]
ROOM 4 RENT $875 University Heights, Single Occupancy, No pets, No drugs,No smoking , No parties, shared upstairs bath. [email protected]
ROOM IN MISSION HILLS Room in nice area of Mission Hills South/ Hillcrest West. Smoking household, 420 friendly. $900 mo Jeff at 619-480-6478.
ROOM NEEDED NOV 1 Senior. I need to rent 1 bd/1bath Nov 1. Healthy, clean, quiet $600 max Chula Vista, La Mesa, El Cajon 619-495-2107
ROOM FOR RENT North Mire Mesa, master bedroom, panoramic view of Black Mountain, suite size, closet and bath. Month to month, $900. Call 619-312-5613
SANTEE, $675 2/2 manufactured home w/ F homeowner, dog. Same price furnished/unfurnished. No kinds under 18. Pools, spas, clubhouse, tennis. AC & heat, kitchen, W/D. No tobacco, or add’l pets. Share util. 619-373-4662
LEMON GROVE $650 Room for rent, $200 deposit. Shared bathroom, kitchen privileges, washer/dryer, no night owls, no pets. Available December 3rd. Text 619-581-7190.
ROOM FOR RENT AZALEA PARK Room available now @ $750 monthly with $500 deposit and 6 month lease. Shared utility expenses, w/d, and parking on site. [email protected]
SAN DIEGO $557 FURN BDRM 1 adult only + security deposit + no smoking/vaping. Share: bath + kitchen + washer/dryer +WiFi. Text/call: 858-367-0533 secret code 557-RA
MILITARY RETIRED MALE heart and lung outpatient needs separate granny flat or mobile home in vicinity of VA, no SDA/40 years local. Guaranteed rent and bonus, need soon. 1-858-722-2964
DEPENDABLE, EMPLOYED $550 I am a middle-aged woman, looking for a room to rent. I require ground floor and within 10 mile radius of downtown San Diego. [email protected]
SEEKING A PACIFIC BEACH ROOMMATE My boyfriend and I are both starting our third year in college. We’re looking for someone to move in asap. The rent is $1075/mo + utilities. https://www.facebook.com/tiara.sirois
ROOMMATES WTD Looking to move to PB or OB but open to other locations. Trying to stay $1000 or under. Message me if you have a spot or if you’re looking for a roomie! A little about me: 29, super into all things personal development, yoga, dance and music! https://www.facebook.com/kmarie678
BAY PARK, $1095 Downstairs in tri-level house. Bedroom, kitchen and dining room, plus private bath. Includes all utilities and wifi. All furnished, sliding door from master bedroom to patio. On quiet cul de sac. (858) 272-1594
ISO SDSU ROOMMATE Hi! I’m looking to sublease my half of the largest room in the house to a student! The bedroom is considered the master bedroom. The room is in a six-bedroom house currently shared with other SDSU students who also need sub leasers. Rent is $800; utilities and WiFi are around $50. Message or text me at 303-956-6428
SEEKING PRIVATE ROOM 57 years young male seeks private room! Please! No Smokers or alcohol/drugs consumption. Clean and healthy lifestyle. Email Stephen O. [email protected]
NEED TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM ASAP. I am a mature female, clean, friendly, and quiet. Anywhere from La Mesa to Santee. Can pay $550/month. Please call 619-488-0822
SPRING VALLEY $557 FURN Single bedroom + Utilities paid + security deposit + no smoking + WIFI. Share: bath + kitchen + carport + washer/dryer, and more. Text/Call secret code 557RJ: 858-367-9736
ROOM FOR RENT LA COSTA $650 per month 1/3 utilities, $650 deposit. Working male 40+ preferred. No smoke, pets, drunks, addicts. Text 760-942-7062
ROOM WANTED 62 yr. old single healthy clean SoCal native low income male, high school/college grad. Seeking any somber tiny room in house Solana Beach, Cardiff, Leucadia, Encinitas, Carlsbad, San Clemente. Dale Hauskins (858) 401-2973
KENSINGTON $975 One bedroom in Kensington home, kitchen privileges, utilities included, no smoking, drugs, or pets. LGBTQ friendly. Please call 619-204-2762.
CITY HEIGHTS, $470 Separate, living room/kitchen space, 200 square feet, furnished, cable, 420 friendly. No drugs, alcohol, tobacco, drama. First/last, senior/disabled/retired/student. 619-528-0907
OTAY RANCH, $1100 Room for rent, furnished, AC, tv, internet, amenities, parking, utilities included, non smoker, no drugs, no pets. $1,100/month, $200 deposit. Carlos 858-999-7980.
CHULA VISTA, $700 One room for rent in condo, shared living room and kitchen. Male preferred. No pets. Deposit $300. Available now, any questions call 619-869-5814 or 858-397-3687 and ask for Kim.
ROOM FOR RENT $750 Room in my Chula Vista Home. $750/mo. Many amenities. Military discount. Victor, 252-281-7076
DOWNTOWN, $250-495.Artist work spaces: Office or work spaces and retail available. 636 C Street, 92101. Inquire inside (C Street Inn front desk) or call 619-234-4165 or 619-269-9076. www.jspropertymanagement.com.
DETACHED RV TRAILER HOME 4 RENT $600/month, 1 bedroom, bathroom, new upholstery cushions in main saloon and kitchen table booth. Includes clothes washer/dryer, DirecTv, utilities. Hidden Valley https://www.facebook.com/sally.burgess.33
HOUSE FOR RENT $2,500 first and last, $1,000 cleaning deposit. 3/4 acre, San Marcos. 619-952-0426
SEEKING INCOME BASED APT. Help retired/disabled couple & dog ISO 1 or 2 bdr duplex/apt. any area. $900-$950. Must be out 11/1 and 11/13 txt 619-218-4440.
CLEAN QUIET TRAILER PARK Mini home/cabin for rent in Riverside County. $895 a month. pool and secured gating. Park is near everything. [email protected]
5392 LEON OCEANSIDE Sale, rent, lo to qualified people only. Full checks/deposits. Contact: 619-895-0053, [email protected] on mls, Zillow, cl.
VACANT COMMERCIAL LOT in Escondido for rent. 140 ft. X 40 ft. It is located between Enterprise Rent a Car on one side, and a gas station on the other side. Ask for Guy or Stella (760) 747-3100.
CONDO FOR RENT Large 1 bedroom. Close to SCRIPPS Medical Center and UCSD. Safe, Clean, Quiet . Affordable call Ann 925-588-5567.
PACIFIC BEACH, $2975. 2BD+2BA with additional loft room; upstairs condo in 4 unit building in North PB; near transportation and restaurants; stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave; private balcony; garage with opener plus parking space; laundry hookups; fireplace; no pets; 1 block to ocean; available now; 833 Chalcedony Street. Del Sol Property Management, Broker. www.delsolpm.com. 858-270-2071.
PACIFIC BEACH, $2500. 2BD+2BA; very large remodeled upstairs unit in North PB; new kitchen and updated bathrooms; stainless appliance, granite countertops, plank flooring; sparkling pool; coin laundry; 2 blocks to Tourmaline Surf Park; CAT OK w/ extra deposit; available now; 826 Tourmaline Street Del Sol Property Management, Broker. www.delsolpm.com. 858-270-2071.
PACIFIC BEACH, $2500. 2BD+2BA; remodeled upstairs large unit with garage plus parking space; stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave; coin laundry; shared courtyard; private balcony; wood plank flooring; no pets; available now; 1180 Grand Ave. Del Sol Property Management, Broker. www.delsolpm.com. 858-270-2071.
PACIFIC BEACH, $1595. 1BD+1BA; large downstairs unit in North PB; stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave; shared courtyard; coin laundry; parking; no pets; available now; 1546 Diamond Street. Del Sol Property Management, Broker. www.delsolpm.com. 858-270-2071.
RENTAL WANTED Hispanic couple need place in Encinitas - are low income. Call 626-712-0303
BANKER’S HILL/DOWNTOWN, $1150. Studio+1BA efficiency studio. Water, trash, gas and electric included! On-site laundry. Street parking. Near Balboa Park / Hillcrest. 1758 6th Avenue. Agent, 619-298-7724. www.allpointsrealestate.com
BANKER’S HILL/DOWNTOWN, $1375-1425. STUDIO+1BA. Some new fixtures, granite countertops. Gated building. Coin operated laundry on site. Street parking. All utilities paid. No pets. 1747 5th Avenue. Agent, 619-298-7724. www.allpointsrealestate.com
DOWNTOWN, $525-880. Under new management! Renovated, furnished Gaslamp rooms for rent. Elevator. Close to Horton Plaza, restaurants, shops and laundry. Cable and utilities Included. 720 4th Ave. 619-233-7594 or 619-727-0151.
DOWNTOWN, $573-825. Clean rooms, very comfortable, convenient location. Historic building near C Street Trolley. Choice of common or private bathrooms. Utilities included. Free cable TV, on-site laundry, vending machines, modern elevator. Southern Hotel, 1159 6th Avenue at B. 619-239-3808.
LA MESA, $1395. 1BD+1BA downstairs apartment in La Mesa/Lake Murray. Small, quiet complex near lake. Patio, stove, refrigerator, A/C, dishwasher, laundry, parking. No pets. 7490 Collins Avenue #4. Add Realty, 619-232-6811.
LEMON GROVE, $1,400 Charming 2 bedroom, 1 bath, available now! Beautifully remodeled apartment is quiet, spacious & has a balcony too. Walking distance to shops, dining & trolley. Sorry, no pets. Call for your private viewing (619) 916-9187.
LA MESA, $1699-2090. 3BD+2BA ($2090) and 2BD+1BA ($1699) apartments. Bienvenido a la privada Mt. Helix! Espaciosos. Cocina nueva. Electrodomesticos de acero inoxidable, Casa club. WiFi. Aire acondicionado. Lavanderia. Garage. Balcones. Picina. Mascotas OK. Espanol. 619-646-8670.
LA MESA, $1699-2090. 3BD+2BA ($2090) and 2BD+1BA ($1699) apartments. Welcome to Mt. Helix Gated Community! New kitchen. Stainless steel appliances. Spacious. Clubhouse. WiFi. Air conditioning. Laundry. Garages. Balconies. Pool. Hablo Espanol. 619-646-8670.
CLAIREMONT, $3100. 3BD+2.5BA HOUSE with sun room in Clairemont Mesa East area; remodeled kitchen with stainless appliances and granite countertops; washer/ dryer; 2 fireplaces; wood floors/carpet; 2 car garage plus driveway parking; private patio in back; nice lawn in front with gardener paid; walk to Mesa College; EZ freeway access; must see to appreciate; ask about pet; available 11-15-19; 4083 Marlesta Drive. Del Sol Property Management, Broker. www.delsolpm.com. 858-270-2071.
NEED A APARTMENT SHORT TERM Make your reservations now and Get $200 OFF every month, starting 9/15/18. Studio+1BA available. Call for Monthly, Weekly and daily specials, up to 15% OFF. Includes: weekly cleaning service, daily continental breakfast, all utilities, cable (HBO), heated pool/ spa, on-site laundry. High-speed Internet available for additional charge. (*Rates subject to change/ tax.) California Suites Hotel, 5415 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard. (858)799-0219. www.californiasuiteshotel.com.
CARLSBAD RNTL $1800-$2600 We love pets, walk to beach, or ocean view, up to 2br 2ba or sec 8, free brochure thh4u.com. Txt 858-367-3683 Agt BRE# 01113432.
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, $2950. 2BD+2.5BA 1400sqft. split-level condo. All brand new kitchen appliances. Bright and airy, hardwood floors, balcony, laundry, 2-car garage, lots of storage. Pets considered. 4740 Arizona Street. Agent, 619-298-7724.
SOUTH PARK, $1750. Lovely 1 bedroom apartment perfectly located near Downtown San Diego and Balboa Park. 1/2 off first month with 1-year lease! Easy 5-minute commute to work. Secured building, fireplace, hardwood floors, laundry on site, street parking only. 2329 C Street. Agent: 619-298-7724. www.allpointsrealestate.com
NORMAL HEIGHTS, $1300. Cozy studio near Adams, downstairs corner unit, wood-like flooring, on-site laundry, water, trash and gas included. Great location with easy freeway access. No pets. 3355 Madison Avenue. Agent, 619-298-7724.
MISSION HILLS, $1550. 1BA+1BA Stove, refrigerator, hardwood floors. Some utilities included. No pets. 630 W. Washington . Agent, 619-298-7724.
MISSION HILLS, $1425. 1 studio+1BA. Stove, refrigerator, hardwood floors. Some utilities included. No pets. 630 W. Washington. Agent, 619-298-7724.
Real Estate
TOWNHOME $284,900, 2 bed/2 bath @ 4412 Delta St. #34. Newly remodeled kitchen with stainless steel kitchen appliances, new shaker cabinetry, subway tile backsplash and quartz countertops, new bathroom vanities and a freshly painted interior. http://bit.ly/delta-house-for-sale
CONDO FOR $222,000 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, 665 sq./ft. condo in the heart of Logan Heights http://bit.ly/lh-condo
SPRING VALLEY LOT $59,000, raw land, 2 parcels included totaling 1.2 acre. Utilities on the next street over but not extended to these lots in this canyon. http://bit.ly/sv-lot
MISSION VALLEY CONDO $249,900 at Friars Road 1BR/1Bath. This ground-floor unit has air conditioning, laminate flooring, and reserved parking. http://bit.ly/mission-valley-condo
TWELVE ACRE DESERT TRACT 52 miles East of El Paso. Easy access. No utilities. Use solar, generator, water tanks. Only $6000. Financing available 1-442-615-0933
MOTEL FOR SALE BY OWNER 21-Unit motel & living quarters for sale in Dove Creek, Colorado—only $499,000. Escape the big city for the price of a modest California home. Centrally located between Mesa Verde, the Canyonlands, & Arches National Parks. Call 970-560-7799.
CARLSBAD HMES UNDER $500K VA, FHA, 1st time buyers, up to 4BR, free brochure thh4u.com. Close to beach and shopping, txt 858-367-3683 Agt BRE# 01113432.
CONVENIENCE STORE DELI $140k. SDSU area, full kitchen, close to medical buildings, transit, SDSU. Call or text Max at 858-342-4129, [email protected]
CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE! Do you have a house in need of repairs? Facing foreclosure? We’ll buy it! Visit www.WeBuyHousesInSD.com or call 760-814-1343.
LUXURY HOME IN TECATE $150,000 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage for 2 cars with garage door, extra land of 200 meters, large dining room, laundry room and alarm, La Hacienda neighborhood. Schedule your appointment or for more info call at 665-127-1769. http://bit.ly/2o2eMwm
TOWNHOMES 4 SALE $330K in Lemon Grove. Looking for a great opportunity to become a homeowner for less than $2,000 a month? Come and see this 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathroom townhome. 619-454-0330
TINY HOME IN LA MESA $30K, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom with a spacious living room and kitchen and cathedral ceilings. For sale by owner. http://bit.ly/lamesa_tiny_house
MOBILE HOME $10,000 in Valley Center, 56’X12‚Ä≤, 2 bedrooms 1 bath, this home can’t stay in park — we delivery to your property. http://bit.ly/vc-mobile-home
BABY IT’S COLD OUT THERE! New homes 3 hours from San Diego from $80k. 55+ Community where the sun always shines! 928-255-3275
ALPINE 55+ MH PARK 2 new Fleetwood homes 3br/2ba 1,350 to 1,500 sq ft $199,000 - $229,000 with $700/mo. space rent (ser#38803) (619) 571-3873
2006 26’ SALEM RV TRAILER with 30’x 20’ space in Pine Crest Retreat outside Julian CA. $12,000 OBO. All amenities. Call 619-269-6634
STEINWAY GRAND PIANO Original owner since 1975. Stats available. Can be seen at Piano Warehouse on Miramar Rd. 619-972-6520
ANTIQUE PUMP GRAND ORGAN Need to unload this beauty. Can’t go with us in move. Shoot me a text and I’ll pass along pictures/info. $50 (858) 945-4256
PUNK ROCK GUITARIST Seeking bassist and drummer. Age in 30’s. In SD County. Smoke free people only. 3 songs written. Text Keith: 6193759030
WOMEN SINGERS WANTED Come sing 4-part harmony with chorus. All ages. Mondays 7-9pm in La Mesa. Fun performances throughout SD. 619-464-3727
REGGAE POP PROGROCK FUSION professional guitarist available for gigs, tours, recordings. CD/Tour credits. Dale Hauskins https://www.bandmix.com/dalehauskins/ (858)401-2973
DO YOU PLAY VIOLIN? Unique string quartet seeks violinist. Medieval thru Baroque music. Currently non-paying. Lakeside rehearsals. Serious only. [email protected]
UNIVERSAL SOUND Monthly creative band musicians lock-out rehearsal private practice AC studios now available. Half off first month rent. (858) 401-2973
MUSIC REHEARSAL STUDIO. Upscale facility, Kearny Mesa. All rooms have individual air conditioning, high ceilings and 24- hour access. Monthly rooms available. Adder Studios, 858-522-9505. www.adderstudios.com.
CAT POLE off white carpeted, 6 levels, brand new, $75. 619-269-5331
FREE TO GOOD HOME Two Yorkie puppies, re-homing, AKC reg, contact me via email for more details: [email protected]
BENGAL PUREBRED KITTENS born October 5 2019! Purrfect timing for Christmas! Deposits being accepted for Bengal experienced humans. Meow. 619-597-9729
PUPPIES I’m selling 5 puppies born 9/6/19, mixed with poodle/terrier, 3 males and 2 females. They are beige. $200 call: 619-470-0733 Gloria.
DOGSITTING/DOGWALKING I love all breeds, responsible, caring, experienced, (AKA: The Dog Woman) Contact: 619-380-4861.
FOSTER ORPHANED PUPPIES AND KITTENS Get your puppy or kitten fix by providing a temporary home for orphaned pets! Helen Woodward Animal Center provides all supplies and medical care while you provide love & transport for 2-3 weeks! Call 858-756-4117 x366 to learn more.
GYPSY is 1 year old, 50-pound female Pit bull. Gypsy is an athletic and cuddly dog. She likes to play fetch and make a great running/hiking buddy with proper conditioning first. Gypsy knows basic commands and walks well on a leash. She is particular who she plays with and would need a slow introduction to new doggie friends. At the end of the day, she is a cuddle bug and would keep you company during a good book. She is just waiting to fill a spot at a home in need! Animal ID: A1865033 San Diego County Animal Shelter 5821 Sweetwater Rd. Bonita, CA 91902 Hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 9:30am – 5:30pm. Closed Mondays and County Holidays. Adoption Fee $75 ( comes with microchip, spaying, deworming, and vaccinations). For more information, please call 619-498-2311 or visit our website at www.sddac.com
SURFBOARDS FOR SALE 6’0 swallow tail with bumps, $200. 6’2 Al Merrick Flyer buckle board, cheap $40. 6’6 Egg good condition, $200. Call Mike 760-295-2219
US/MEX BORDER BICYCLING With all the controversy about walls and border security, this is a “see it with your own eyes” activity showing what the real border looks like. A mountain bike, and mountain bike experience is required. https://www.meetup.com/Border-Bicycling/
URBAN BIKE AND SOCIAL CLUB You don’t have to put on your spandex unitard to have fun riding. Let’s meetup and ride somewhere fun: to happy hour, a festival, an outdoor movie in Balboa Park — you name it! https://www.meetup.com/UrbanBikeAndSocialClub/
FENCING The Scholars of Alcalá focus on fencing manuals written in the 16th and early 17th century. This includes the knightly arming sword, the two-handed longsword, the common soldiers’ long knife, and the civilian’s rapier.
SOCCER TECHNICAL SKILLS TRAINING COURSES/PRACTICE at UTC and Carlsbad. This is a group for players looking to improve their skills. Saturday mornings 8:30-10.00 and organized by a certified UEFA coach from England. https://www.meetup.com/Soccer-Technical-Skills-Training-UTC/
NORTH COUNTY TENNIS MEETUP We meet every Saturday and Sunday at 8 am at Carlsbad High School. We typically get between 20 and 24 people. Most of us are in the 3.0 to 4.0 range. If you can’t find us on the courts, call me on my cell, 760-717-9423
PACIFIC BEACH SPIKEBALL CLUB This meetup is for people that like to play Spikeball and have difficulty finding people with whom to regularly play. We play on Mission and Pacific Beach and all skill levels welcome. https://www.meetup.com/Pacific-Beach-Spikeball-Meetup/
SOCCER IN DEL MAR Pick up soccer on Sunday mornings at 8 am. Our primary location is the Solana Pacific Elementary School field. These are friendly games: reduced contact and no slide tackles. https://www.meetup.com/Del-Mar-Pick-Up-Soccer/
GOLF CLUB SET AND BAG 13 clubs, signature Chi Chi Rodriguez, very good condition, $60. Can send photo 760-214-3122
NORTH COUNTY SOCCER This group was started to setup pickup soccer games in North County. We do our best to keep it casual. http://bit.ly/2P00rLL
GOLF GROUP This is a social co-ed golf group that is very active. We welcome golfers of all skill levels. http://bit.ly/31w0VMd
MEN’S SLOW PITCH SOFTBALL at 2600 Golf Course Road near 26th Street (619)494-3555.
GIORDANO ROAD RACING bike, early 80’s, ready to ride, campagnolo, shimano, look pedals $50. 619-443-4219
GIANT RINCON MOUNTAIN BICYCLE $160, 22” frame, 26” tires, text Don in Oceanside at 760-214-4007
BURLEY HEPCAT recumbent bicycle $650, brand new in Mira Mesa. This bike has sat in a warehouse since 2006, the year it was made. I replaced the tubes and gave it a full tune up. Chromoly medium frame with aluminum front fork. Text me 760-718-2768
LARGE 2018 CANNONDALE TRIGGER 1 XX1 mountain bike $3500 in Oceanside. It was purchased not even a year ago for over $7,000 and has sat largely un-ridden. I am asking for $3500. Text me at 650-556-4797
ORANGE ONE SPEED BIKE $60, Mission Valley, in good condition. Text if interested: 480-275-1537
20 INCH 7 SPEED red Schwinn bicycle $25. 619- 540-0538
FUJI 29ER BIKE $325 large frame, hydraulic brakes, shock with lockout. Text 760-815-3356
GIANT OCR3 ROAD BIKE with STI shifters for $260 in Santee. Very good condition, 27 speed, 43CM, excellent tires, please call or text 619-578-4983.
ATTN BMX BANDITS old school Schwinn Predator Qualifier 20″ BMX bike $200 all original except front wheel. Call 760-224-0512 if interested.
NEWLYWED OR COUPLE BIKES 21 Speed his and her set in Oceanside. No rust on frame or chain $200. 714-331-5552
PRE WAR 1950S SCHWINN BIKE Excelsior Cruiser for $325 in San Marcos. Call if interested 760-224-0512
FUJI/ABSOLUTE Almost new, 21-speed, 19 inch, orange, Shimano/Altus, new hybrid tires, new shifters, new pedals, Hillcrest, $175, call Tedd, 619-298-4777.
2016 HARLEY DAVIDSON Forty-Eight for sale for $9000, XL1200 motor with less than 7k miles. Bike runs and sounds great. Cash in-hand for test rides. No tire kickers or low balls. Call or text Tony @ 858-880-5342 for any questions or inquiries.
1967 HONDA SCRAMBLER MOTORCYCLE 125cc, 1726 original miles, very clean for its age and everything works. Text me at 760-718-2768; I’m located in Mira Mesa
MOTORCYCLE SIDECAR CJ750 $3800 I have a really rare CJ750 motorcycle. Tags are current call me at 760-688-5848
‘01 YAMAHA R6 MOTORCYCLE, $600 Not running, extended swing arm, near new tires, Yoshimura exhaust, steel braided lines, race tech suspension, lots of good stuff. Engine turns over but wont start. Call or text 619-621-9353
2002 SUZUKI LS 650 Selling for $500, have title. 951-502-9280
2015 POLARIS SLINGSHOT three-wheeled motorcycle/vehicle $12,900, 16K miles, please have cash on hand if you would like to test drive it, but no joy rides, call/text 714-858-5353 Emanuel.
1970 HARLEY DAVIDSON Shovelhead Chopper motorcycle w 1200cc, king and queen seat, beehive front hub call Adam at 310 562 5403.
1997 LEXUS ES 300 Low miles, luxury package. Pearl white with tan interior, clean title and is smogged. $2,995. Call 619-948-1429.
2005 BMW 325CI Excellent condition, new tires, new paint, runs great. New October 2020 tags, $2,200. 619-300-2970
2000 BMW 323CI CONVTBLE Clean title, low miles, new tires, good condition, asking $2,500 or best offer. 858-382-4803
2015 KIA OPTIMA LX 4 door sedan, automatic, original owner, black, bluetooth, 84K, Carfax. $11,589 OBO. 619-226-8158
TRAILER FOR SALE 20 feet long, new tires, works great, new lights. Selling for $650 OBO 951-502-9280.
95 CHEROKEE GRAND JEEP rear view mirror and Service Manual Book. Both in beautiful condition, El3 0l2598 both $50. Cash only txt for pics 619-395-4081.
1981 CHEVY EL CAMINO always garaged. Not perfect but very nice shape 231 buick. On non op. Serious only $11,000 obo. Text preferred 619-631-9258
1938 BUICK FOR SALE 4 door sedan. Olds 350/350 drivetrain. 4” chop. Disc brakes. Edelbrock equipped. Many extras. Bob 760-943-7326. $11K Firm
1993 VOLVO 850 GLT 101,582 mi, $2500, very nice, call for details 760-207-7440 Vista.
1965 CORVAIR MONZA $500 runs and drives, common rust areas: front floor pans, under windshield, one rear pillar, bill of sale only (619) 646-0562 call Carlos.
RENT MY VW JETTA For $32-$35/day and my 2015 Passat for $40/day and $25 off at http://bit.ly/jetta_rent.
1970 DATSUN ROADSTER 1600 Last chance! No more garage. Low miles, engine strong. Needs exhaust gasket. Bright yellow! [email protected] (619)519-4562 text or call
2000 24FT JAMBOREE 350 super duty V10. Excellent condition, many extras $14,000.00 619-981-5745
KIA SOUL 2016 FOR SALE Automatic, 4-cylinder, aluminum wheels, 33,000 mi., spare tire included, available to see: 619-846-5579, $14,500 negotiable.
1999 TOYOTA COROLLA LE 130,000 miles, white, smooth ride, north San Diego. 760-443-2723, asking $4,795.
1999 MERCURY SABLE Runs great, clean inside, new brakes and tires. Mileage 57,000. Pass smog. Asking price $1,470 or OBO. call 619-227-3900.
‘03 HYUNDAI ELANTRA $600 Well maintained for life. Leave your info. Well maintained from original owner. Runs well. $600 pls leave message 858-883-2287
FLATHEAD V8 AND CLASSIC AUTO PARTS in North Park. Have drop axles, numerous car manifolds, three speed transmissions, etc. Call retired Navy veteran 619-987-4351 any time, will return all voice mails.
PONTIAC FIREHAWK 1994 Rare find, #366 out of 500 made. 24,000 miles, V8 LP1, approximately 450 hp, excellent running condition. 1-760-271-6529
2010 DODGE TRUCK CREWCAB Model SLT, excellent condition, loaded, all options sold. New: $38k, clean title, one owner. $9,400. Call 760-802-1940 hurry!
1949 GMC PU 22K. Orig. Gorgeous. 619-807-1391
2010 DODGE TRUCK CREWCAB Model lst, excellent condition, all factory options. Two owners, clean title/new smog. New: $38k, price: $9,400. 760-802-1940
1988 CHEVY MOTORHOME For sale in Tijuana for $2695 dlls. Has a kitchen and bathroom and runs well. http://bit.ly/tj-motorhome
WHEELS (2) 18”, (2) 19”. 2005 Chev Corvette.Like new, not on the road in 14 years. $350 each. Call John, 619-997-9241.
Help Wanted
OFFICE ASSISTANT WANTED! Own office, computer, telephone line, research, filing, some computer knowledge. Hours can be negotiated, must be smart and have your own transportation. [email protected]
DELIVERY DRIVER JOBS Make up to $17 / Hour. Must use your own Mini-Van or Cargo Van. Pass Drug, Background Check. PT / FT avail. 858-444-2350
VOLUNTEER DRIVERS PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) in San Diego is looking for volunteer drivers to help pick up donations from food banks, grocery stores, and restaurants and deliver them to our interim housing facility. PATH provides breakfast and dinner to 100-135 individuals in need every day of the year. Weekly, monthly, and substitute drivers are needed. This is a great opportunity to support our community members in need and decrease food waste. For more information call Sigrid at 619-810-8606 or email [email protected]
EDUCATION. Break Person for preschool teachers Monday-Friday, 11am-6pm. Must have minimum of 2 years experience plus core ECE units including Infant/Toddler class, fingerprint clearance on file, TB and immunizations. Dana, 619-295-4147; e-mail [email protected].
REGISTERED CAREGIVERS Immediate work. Hourly/live-in available. Must have reliable transportation. Assertive Care at Home, 8893 La Mesa Blvd., Ste B, La Mesa. 619-466-6890.
HOME CARE ASSISTANCE - CAREGIVERS NEEDED Come work for the best! Home Care Assistance is San Diego’s leading home care agency. We offer 12 hour shifts and competitive wages. For more information please call 858-842-1346 or stop by our office at 7521 Fay Avenue in La Jolla 10am-4pm Monday - Friday or call our North County office at 760-635-3646. Get started by applying online at http://www.HCAmatch.com
HELP WANTED Fence erector. Chain link fence installation and repair. No drugs- no felons. CA drivers license. 619-749-1494
COLLECT SIGNATURES Political Petitions. $100 - $200/day. Paid 3x/week. Start immediately. Flexible hours. All areas. Call 619-819-7700.
PRESCHOOL TEACHERS Full time teachers needed for a play-based private preschool. If interested, please send resume to [email protected]
USS MIDWAY MUSEUM needs safety volunteers. Training provided: all new safety volunteers must complete an initial 1 day training and orientation session after accomplishing the self-guided museum tour at least once. Call (619) 544-9600
PAINTERS WANTED McFaddin’s painting is now hiring. You must have own transportation, own tools and must be able to be on payroll since my workman’s comp runs through this. My company has been in business for 26 years. Call Paul McFaddin at (760) 807-1645 for info.
PAINTER NEEDED EXTERIOR Exp, painter needed for exterior of home in University Heights. Need estimate, scaffold up, references needed. Txt 619-405-6258
CAREGIVER WANTED NORTH PK Caregiver- experienced, reliable, cleared live scan ,TB test, light weekday & weekends. 619-520-5307 [email protected]
SEEKING INTERNS FOR RADIO GoHAM Radio® seeks interns for Fall/Winter Season. Exper. not necessary but preferred. Email resumes: [email protected]
HANDYMAN NEEDED as caregiver, secretary. 619-479-4212
VOLUNTEER TUTORS WANTED: The Children’s Corps- AARP Experience Corps is currently recruiting volunteers ages 50+ to tutor during the after school learning programs in Central San Diego, Southeast San Diego and Lemon Grove. By volunteering as a The Children’s Initiative AARP Experience Corps Volunteer Tutor, you will help change the course of students’ lives. Experience Corps is a proven reading program made up of tutors who work with readers in Kindergarten through 3rd grade to help them with their literacy skills. To learn more and attend an information session please contacts An Das or Kristin Shea at [email protected] or call 858-581-5887, [email protected] or call 858-581-5880.
VOLUNTEER TO READ TO KIDS Want to make a difference? Join us every weekend to read to a child in need in one of our StoryTents. Visit travelingstories.org/volunteer today!
HAVE A SPARE BEDROOM? Earn a competitive stipend caring for an adult with a developmental disability in your home. Minimum requirements: Spare bedroom, proficiency in English, driver’s license and high school diploma/ GED. Call today! www.MentorsWanted.com. 858-694-0120.
COMPUTER NETWORK SPECIALIST Back up network data, configure security settings or access permissions, and identify causes of networking problems using diagnostic testing software and equipment. Bachelor’s degree or foreign degree equivalent in Comp Eng, Comp Science, or related field req’d. Mail resume to Attn: Joe Faltaous, Jellybean Entertainment, Inc., 9845 Erma Rd #207, San Diego, CA 92131
Jobs Wanted
GERIATRIC SOCIAL WORKER will provide companionship, will prepare meals, shop, drive to appointments, light housekeeping. Call Carol @ 858-525-1154.
SEEKING WORK House companion, driver, cook, shopping, cleaning. Educated European lady. Live-in/out, full time/part time. Excellent references. Donna 619-664-4509 or 858-270-7532
CAREGIVER I am a caregiver looking to care for or be a companion for you/loved one. Lt hskg, no heavy lifting M-F, FT, PT 619-495-2107
HOUSESITTER/ PETSITTER Mature, responsible, dependable. Lots of credentials: loving care of your pet/plants, non-smoking home. 512-569-1139 BessMcCarty.com
CAREGIVER I will care for you/your loved one. I’m honest, caring, reliable, reasonable. M-F, ft, pt, wknds. 619-495-2107
CAREGIVER experienced in extreme cases, Diabetic care, meals, exercise, personal care, doctor’s appointments, and shopping. Call 760-224-3467
AVAILABLE FOR PET/HOUSE SITTING Reasonable prices. Call Edna 858-842-4249.
WOULD LIKE LAWN MOWING JOBS in lemon grove only. Currently without auto so need close to home. Mow only $10pr yard 619-631-9258
CAREGIVER FOR ELDERLY I will care and be a companion for you or a loved one. Stellar references! Full or part time. CPR certified. 541-844-8712
WE WOULD LIKE POSTCARDS from anywhere and everywhere! Please send to Christopher Gilstrap at 9700 Gilman Dr PMB 209, La Jolla, CA 92093-5010. We write back!
BOB BUYS TRAINS Lionel, MTH and American Flyer trains wanted. Cash paid at your location. In a box in the garage for years. Call 760-579-2234
WANTED: NEW HF HAM RADIO Will trade for my $800 violin. Please text 619-393-2253
CHAIR WANTED Small, wheeled office type chair in good condition 858-703-7584
INDIAN ARTIFACTS WANTED Indian arrowheads/artifacts wanted for personal collection. No interest in modern reproductions. Call Steve at 619-985-8562.
WANTED PASSIVE 4K 3D TV I’d like to buy a new or used 55” or larger 4K passive 3D TV including remote and if possible, 3D glasses. [email protected]
MASSAGE TABLE WANTED My love works hard to support me and my daughters and he never asks for anything in return. I used to have an old massage table and I would give him a proper massage at home when we found the time. He loved this more than anything. My budget is between $50-$75. http://bit.ly/31syPBR
FOOD TRUCK WANTED at Veterans Village Tent. 2801 Sports Arena Blvd. Point Loma
LOST COACH WALLET at Mission Bay. Hello, we lost a coach wallet between the Belmont Park and San Luis. It’s white with flowers on it. My name is Jo and my phone number is 702-945-3956. Reward will be given.
ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES Rock and roll I buy 1950’s-1980’s concert posters, flyers, handbills, used-unused tickets, programs. Pls call (619)522-0283 private Party.
LOST AT GOODWILL EL CAJON Accidentally dropped off 2 goblets with sentimental value inscribed Old Town Mexican Cafe. Pay you $30 + shipping 619-749-9334.
FISHING TACKLE Collector wants for his personal collection wooden lures, reels, and Misc. by Heddon, Pflueger, Creek Chub, South Bend, Shakespeare, to name a few. Call or text pictures to: 619-972-3488
WILL PAY CASH.... For Records, CDs, DVDs, and clothes. Professional Singing Lessons available. Musicians Wanted. Call Jeff Clark, 858-382-7396.
WANTED. Cash for Walt Disney autographs, items, paper, original animation art, old Disneyland items, any type comics all before 1970. No Prints or videos. 619-890-1390.
WANTED: Speakers, amps and other old stereo gear! The most cash paid always! Brands like JBL, Altec, McIntosh, Marantz and more! Call 1(619)-303-8031; e-mail [email protected].
WANTED Homeless guy needs running truck/van. It’s cold at night and I can sure use and appreciate it. Thank you. Alex (619)451-4881
STEREO GEAR/ LP RECORDS. Cash paid! Vintage/ newer. Old amps, tuners, speakers, turntables. McIntosh, JBL, Marantz, etc. Prerecorded reel tapes, jazz/ rock records. John, 619-889-5237.
Garage Sales
ESCONDIDO ESTATE/GARAGE SALE with vintage items and antiques. Prices start from $20.00 to $ 1495.00 or OBO. Please call/text 619-888-0877 for an appointment.
NORMAL HEIGHTS GARAGE SALE Call after 9AM by appointment only at 619-255-6324
GARAGE SALE AT POWAY/RB HOUSE Packed with good stuff! November 7th. (619) 518-8663
SANTEE ESTATE SALE featuring a 1932 Ford, guns and coins. Nov 8-10. AESSD.com, call (619) 379-3620 for address and details.
NORTH PARK SAT + SUN 9-6PM Big multi-household sale. 3369 28TH STREET - 92104. Nov 2-3 and Nov 9-10. Weather permitting.
CHULA VISTA MULTI FAM GARAGE SALE November 2nd, 644 G St, 91910. First Baptist Free Will Church.
SKYLINE SWAP Clean out your home and find items to swap or donate. For more details go to www.facebook.com/skylineswap
For Sale
LADIES JEWELRY, open price. Slow cooker, 1.5 quarts, Kitchen Elements, like new, $10. Plus other items, medium clothing. Call 619-283-8417
INTERNATIONAL POSTAGE STAMP ALBUMS 2, Scott. $100 or best offer. Collection. mike Schaefer, Mission Valley 213-479-6006
LOTSA TIN! Tin cup, tin men, pushing tin, 3 dvd’s good condition, $12 for all three or best offer. Angelina, Billy Bob, Costner, Cusack, De Vito, Dreyfuss. 619-420-3312
HALLOWEEN ASYLUM 6 foot straitjacket, two antique green gurgling lamps, cedar chest 1947, one king palm tree. you dig out. Please make offers, 619-772-7799
HEAVY DUTY TRANSFER BENCH new $95, selling for $20. Folding commode, new $20. 858-203-3915
NEO ANGLE SHOWER PAN $10. Call 619-448-1910
WHOLESALE BED FRAMES! Brand new! Twin/full $19. Queen/king $29. 1021 Bay Blvd. Ste. J Chula Vista 619-426-3120 www.brunswickmattresswarehouse.com
$99 BED SALE! Choose from twin, full, queen and king bed close-outs. Various styles. While they last. $99. includes headboard, footboard & rails. Mattresses sold separately. 1021 Bay Blvd. Ste. J Chula Vista 91911 619-426-3120 www.brunswickmattresswarehouse.com
ATTN SAN DIEGO CLOWNS Sun Unicycle for sale. $50. Good shape. http://bit.ly/sd_uni
PAPER SHOW OSWALD SHOT Ruby shoots Oswald, Daily News 11/25/1963, in a frame. $250 cash only. 619-449-3710 see in Santee, CA.
EVENFLO CAR SEAT FOR SALE $35 car seat for sale, excellent condition
(619) 520-5307 txt to request pics.
SOLAR PANEL GROUND MOUNT Universal mount holds 10 large panels, used when roof’s aren’t suitable for installing panels, excellent, $2,600 (760)746-7209
PULP, PAPERBACK SALE Garage sale prices: Pulps, collectible paperbacks, some comics, graphic novels, movies(most R/UN).
MOVING SALE EL CAJON tools, bedroom set, kitchen table with chairs, 1950’s Grundig Majestic stereo, tv table, and more. Valerie 619-248-9695 8am-7pm Monday-Sunday.
FOLDING BED $50, like new. 619-795-0900
PA SYSTEM Carvin mp6000, 140 watts, 6 channel, 14 inch woofers, 50 ft cables, $250 OBO. 619-449-2336
GUARDIAN FOLDING WALKER Guardian. Instructions and warranty. Height adjustment. Never used. $25. 4808 Kensington Dr.m Off Adams Ave.
COLOR COPIER $800. Print/scan/fax. 35 ppm. Can deliver. Service available. (619) 282-6252
BOSCH COUNTERTOP Top of the line electric stove. New, installed in home, then removed. $250 OBO. (619) 298-7051 any time.
DESK, FORMICA TOP WOOD BOTTOM excellent condition, in storage. Great value, can send photos, $800 new, sell for $100. 760-214-3122
BACKPACK, HACKER BY KIPLING new, never used, olive green with black straps, nylon, and canvas, inside pockets. $150 value, sell for $75. Can text photo 760-214-3122
18TH CENTURY SPANISH OIL PAINTING of Miros Virgen De La Napkin in gold leaf frame. Authenticated by the curator of San Diego Museum of Art, $1,000. 619-427-3350
PAIR OF SIGNED ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS by the internationally acclaimed artist Miriam Sowers 1923-2008. 619-427-3350
CANON IP 6000 $275 619-316-7846.
WOOD DESK Excellent condition with matching chair. Upholstered. El Cajon. [email protected]
FISH TANK Custom 55 gal fresh water tank including all mature fish, plus filter system. No reasonable offer refused. Mark 858-245-7026
FURNITURE One very beautiful dresser and cabinet, negotiable. Another dresser, rectangular, multi drawer and cabinet, and more, very cheap and negotiable. I must move. Please call Mike 760-295-2219. Please come and look for yourself.
BEAUTIFUL QUILT king size, like new, $60. 619-574-0030, please leave a message.
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS roller skates, Bont, size 37, size 6.5 women, with Rollerbones Day of the Dead 94A wheels, in Escondido, $260. http://bit.ly/diamuertos-skates
BE A KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR Includes knight shield, sword, mask and a vest for $25, El Cajon. http://bit.ly/knight_elcajon
RUSTY METAL DECORATIVE TRELLISES Great condition. 4 total. 1st set $40 2nd $30. Text @760-450-2666 for info & pics.
ZIPPER PULLS - $150 LOT For clothes/bags/crafts/etc. You’ll need storage space/ time to organize. Over 10,000 units. Under penny each. (858) 945-425
DOOR KNOBS Stroke handles in brass, 8, two sided with center turn button, good condition, no dents or scratches, $6 each. 1-858-484-4483
ORIGINAL RICK GRIFFIN ART Pen and ink on illustration board. 9.5 in by 10.5 in logo for ‘Tropix’ surfboard wax, 1972, mint condition. $5,500 619-295-4208 leave message.
Business Opportunities
VETERAN’S TROPHY BUSINESS FOR QUICK SALE Value $12,000 offer $10,000. Located in San Diego, owner has retired and is selling the business. All inventory is in storage. 858-805-5556 or 858-805-5555
Career Training
FREE* JOB TRAINING. Learn valuable skills to get you back on the job! Grossmont College offers a Free full-time, one-semester training program for office professional positions. Specializations in: Accounting, Insurance, and Office Support. Job placement assistance provided! Attend info meeting December 3 or 13. Program starts January 6. Subject to qualification. 619-644-7247. www.grossmont.edu/opt