Mild Is the Parting Year
To Youth
The Appeal
Walter Savage Landor (1775-1864) was an English poet who is best known for his poem “Rose Aylmer” and his collection of prose pieces Imaginary Conversations, which depicts discussions by historical contemporaries, mostly from ancient Greece and Rome. Both critically and publicly acclaimed for his poetry, Landor published verse in both English and Latin, leading Charles Swineburne to remark that “he could not write a note of three lines which did not bear the mark of his Roman hand in its matchless and inimitable command of a style at once the most powerful and the purest of his age.”
Mild Is the Parting Year
To Youth
The Appeal
Walter Savage Landor (1775-1864) was an English poet who is best known for his poem “Rose Aylmer” and his collection of prose pieces Imaginary Conversations, which depicts discussions by historical contemporaries, mostly from ancient Greece and Rome. Both critically and publicly acclaimed for his poetry, Landor published verse in both English and Latin, leading Charles Swineburne to remark that “he could not write a note of three lines which did not bear the mark of his Roman hand in its matchless and inimitable command of a style at once the most powerful and the purest of his age.”