Jane Eyre
The Elgin Theater
William Baer, a recent Guggenheim fellow, is the author of 18 books, including 5 collections of poetry, most recently Bocage and Other Sonnets (recipient of the X.J. Kennedy Poetry Prize). His other books include The Ballad Rode into Town; and The Unfortunates (recipient of the T.S. Eliot Award). A former Fulbright (Portugal) and the recipient of a N.E.A. Creative Writing Fellowship, his next book, Love Sonnets, is forthcoming from Kelsay Press.
Jane Eyre
The Elgin Theater
William Baer, a recent Guggenheim fellow, is the author of 18 books, including 5 collections of poetry, most recently Bocage and Other Sonnets (recipient of the X.J. Kennedy Poetry Prize). His other books include The Ballad Rode into Town; and The Unfortunates (recipient of the T.S. Eliot Award). A former Fulbright (Portugal) and the recipient of a N.E.A. Creative Writing Fellowship, his next book, Love Sonnets, is forthcoming from Kelsay Press.