After the lovable droids and creatures of Star Wars, the Alien franchise decided to take sci-fi someplace a little darker. Ridley Scott’s Alien launched the franchise followed by James Cameron’s Aliens.
These films are my picks because it’s interesting to consider what working conditions will be like in a future run entirely by a transnational corporation. Poor Ripley (played by Sigourney Weaver in all the films) doesn’t get properly laid until the third installment! Crew, sadly, expendable.
— Alan Wade, beleaguered adjunct English professor
After the lovable droids and creatures of Star Wars, the Alien franchise decided to take sci-fi someplace a little darker. Ridley Scott’s Alien launched the franchise followed by James Cameron’s Aliens.
These films are my picks because it’s interesting to consider what working conditions will be like in a future run entirely by a transnational corporation. Poor Ripley (played by Sigourney Weaver in all the films) doesn’t get properly laid until the third installment! Crew, sadly, expendable.
— Alan Wade, beleaguered adjunct English professor