Behind the scenes with Reader and Solare staff as they create the cover of the September 4, 2014 issue of the San Diego Reader.
Reader eaters graze their way around town for the 2014 Feast! issue:
Europe would be impressed — Ian Anderson
My fantasy food day — Mary Beth Abate
It'll probably involve offal — Brandon Hernandez
The crushing weight of an epic food day — Ian Pike
Barbarella al fresco — Barbarella
Wasabi burritos get my attention — Patrick Henderson
The last word in cheap eats — Ed Bedford
Behind the scenes with Reader and Solare staff as they create the cover of the September 4, 2014 issue of the San Diego Reader.
Reader eaters graze their way around town for the 2014 Feast! issue:
Europe would be impressed — Ian Anderson
My fantasy food day — Mary Beth Abate
It'll probably involve offal — Brandon Hernandez
The crushing weight of an epic food day — Ian Pike
Barbarella al fresco — Barbarella
Wasabi burritos get my attention — Patrick Henderson
The last word in cheap eats — Ed Bedford