When did he dine and whom did he dine with? That variation on the famous query from Senator Howard Baker about the culpability of Richard Nixon can today be asked — and now answered — …
News & Stories
Kelly came outside, firing. “As the revolver had only three loads, I concluded the best plan would be to run; and so I did.” He crawled under the store and stood in Campo Creek, which ran in a manmade culvert, for almost an hour.
La Jollan Alfred Louis "Bobby" Vassallo claims that he knows President Bush well, mowed Ross Perot's lawn as a lad, and was personally feted at the Monaco Grand Prix by none other than Prince Albert. …
Like a subterranean knife-wound, the Elsinore Fault slices across the heart of San Diego County's backcountry, promising an earth-shaking jolt or two during the next few centuries. Sputtering movements over geologic time along its opposing …
Hey Matty: Why does my dog lick my face? It is because she loves me, or does she just love the salt and oil on my face? Does she do it because she just licked …
Red means stop. Green means go. Why? Why? Why? -- L., Leucadia You'd prefer maybe a nice Navajo white and, say, maybe a deep mauve? Spare us designer traffic lights, please. If you want the …
My man, Matt: Is there a phobia named for fear of going to the bathroom in public? -- Mr. Zip-it, the net Jeez, not even the French pee in public anymore, Zip. Pissoir phobia's what …
Dear Matthew: I recently saw a documentary about kangaroos. When they're first born, they're very tiny and they crawl into the mother's pouch to drink milk and grow. They said the baby spends about six …
Heymatt: Do you know about funny noises? Whenever I get on the I-8 in Mission Valley, my car is much quieter. Why is that? -- Robert Frantz, the net Perhaps your car is tiptoeing through …
Dear Matthew: Could you please tell us if the huge, thick, gray, billowing clouds of smoke that seem to be two to three miles from Interstate 8, between Seeley and El Centro, are set on …