Nearly an hour went by before I made an astonishing discovery. Derek’s forehead and hairlines were an exact replica of Irving’s. I felt as though I were again sitting at a table with my father.
News & Stories
Big Spring, tucked in a tributary of Tubb Canyon on the west side of Borrego Valley, is one of the more reliable water producers in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. As such, it is an …
Oceanside is about as far as you can go in North County without enlisting. Fact is, many people in Oceanside have enlisted, if only indirectly, via their parents. Biology teacher Dawn Murray says that few …
What's cooking? If you're in San Diego, more than likely it's meth. By the "Nazi" method. Dry, odor-free, small-scale, impossible to catch. And if you're selling, you'll still have more customers than anywhere else in …
Disclosure of the pending divorce between Peter Jensen and Princess Ubol Ratana, the eldest daughter of Thai king Bhumibol Adulyadej, is causing tongues to wag and students of local business fiascos to dust off their …
Victoria, a girl I knew in college who later moved to Rome, fell in love, and got married, is moving back to the States. She is expecting her second child and says the treatment she …
Dear Matthew Alice: Lately I've noticed some small birds in my neighborhood flying around and chasing bigger birds, hawks maybe. Why are they doing this? I don't think I've ever seen this before. -- Mary …
Dear All-Knowing, All-Seeing One: I heard from a fairly reliable source, my cousin, a retired USMC Master Sergeant, that Camp Pendleton is not government land but actually leased from a family who has owned the …
Mattster: When the mayor awards somebody the key to the city, does it open anything? -- Another Mattster, the Net I'm sure you've also noticed that those official city keys are usually big plastic skeleton …
Dear Mattman: Help! We have been wracking our brains trying to figure out this question. What is the candy bar that was sold years ago that was made from braided caramel dipped in chocolate? Help! …