Recently I looked through a microscope at a small colony of the creatures that cause tuberculosis in humans. About a hundred of them had woven themselves into a long structure that — magnified 1000 times …
News & Stories
The Bacillus That Wouldn't Die
September 9, 1993
What tugboats are spouting water for
Dear Matthew (The Wise One) Alice: I recently saw a tugboat hauling a large ship through the bay. It had a large amount of water streaming out of both sides, up into the air, like …
September 9, 1993
Why eating turkey makes us sleepy
Dear MA.: I brought up the “fact" that there is some sort of chemical or substance that is found in turkey which, when consumed, makes one sleepy. My cohorts either think I'm making this up …
September 9, 1993
The game of celebrity deaths: Pat Nixon, Keith Richards, Yasser Arafat, Johnny Cash, Kurt Vonnegut
“This year, for the first time, we outlawed picking the president of the United States. We felt it was un-American to profiteer from the death of the commander-in-chief. So, Clinton you won’t see on the list.
September 9, 1993