An Italian street gang in the Bronx ("Oh-h-h, I'm the type-a guy who-a likes to roam aroun'...") is treated with a degree of excess characteristic of the Italian cinema, the Fellini division — over-inflated caricature, dreamlike geography, dizzy camerawork. If you doubt the seriousness of writer-directer Philip Kaufman's elegy to the rock-and-roll generation, ca. 1963, you are to be addressed to the TV news announcement of the Kennedy assassination, and to the wistful finale in which one of the Wanderers wanders up to the window of a coffee house in Greenwich Village and sees Bob Dylan, photographed in a haloed silhouette worthy of Jesus Christ warbling "The Times They Are a-Changing." With Ken Wahl, John Friedrich, Karen Allen, and Linda Manz. (1979) — Duncan Shepherd
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