Tall tale, told flat, about a cardshark and a barely pubescent Grand Ole Opry aspirant following a crazy old prospector's treasure map to a gold mine in the Grand Canyon . It takes little effort to imagine how this, with slight retailoring, could be made over into a Disney film. The Apache ghost with his animated fireballs and luminous arrows would be suitable as is. The comic villains, colorfully played by Ted Markland and Luke Askew, would have to refrain from throat-slitting, certainly, and perhaps tone down the psychopathic nuances as well. And the slowpoke pace would have to be speeded up so as not to annoy anyone too young to have the good grace to doze off. Directed by and starring Peter Fonda (wearing the same fine style of cowboy hat as in his Hired Hand, only in newer condition); with Brooke Shields. (1979) — Duncan Shepherd
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