Relationship comedy revolving around a quartet of enviable New Yorkers, a sister and brother (Julianne Moore, Billy Crudup) and their respective mates (David Duchovny, Maggie Gyllenhaal), all of whom are, or have been, engaged in fruitful creative pursuits: a celebrated actress of stage and screen, a couple of writers, and a semi-retired "househusband" who, in his heyday as a copywriter, coined the slogan, "Got milk?" The examination of these relationships is so glib, showy, and pushy that -- in the primary relationship between writer-director Bart Freundlich and you -- you may want to turn tail and run for the hills. Should you choose to stay and fight for the relationship, you still may have to hide your eyes during the terrible embarrassment of the Broadway Opening Night climax. The unsubtle sounds of the "1812 Overture" will serve as your alarm bell. Eva Mendes, Ellen Barkin, Garry Shandling, James LeGros. (2006) — Duncan Shepherd
This movie is not currently in theaters.