After the series opener, I vowed to Purge no more. Funny how air conditioning on a 105 degree day has a way of changing one's mind. White devils brainwash blacks into spending a governmentally sanctioned extended grace period killing other blacks. Describing three dudes on a stoop as, "Moe, Larry, and Jheri Curley" is about as scintillating as the discourse gets in this otherwise gray and violent stockpile of insignificant social commentary. They're calling it a horror film for the Trump era which in this case amounts to once alluding to a Russian by name and having a female character fend off a male combatant with, "Hey! Stop grabbing my pu**y." Marisa Tomei stars as the woman whose idea it was to turn ethnic cleansing into a giant block party. She brings nothing to the role but indifference. The Academy has every right to rescind her supporting actress Oscar and give it to Vanessa Redgrave. (2018) — Scott Marks
This movie is not currently in theaters.