Director Sarah Gavron and writer Abi Morgan can’t find a story amidst the forest of directives so instead mount a stern, monochrome, relentlessly depressing video lecture to supplant the historical fundamentals our parents and public school teachers failed to instill within us. Sufferin’ Suffragette! Were it not for this picture, the little woman and I — staunch supporters of the E.R.A. though we may be — might never have realized how tough you dames had it back in the day. Normally I’d bemoan the lack of even one decent male character, but no one comes off looking good in this oratorical iceberg. Carey Mulligan's laundress, a period dress answer to Norma Rae, suffers hard, real hard, for a nomination while Meryl Streep’s performance — accent literally on Glinda, Good Witch of the North — clocks in at under five minutes. Ushers should hand out badges to patrons who survive the 106-minute incarceration. (2015) — Scott Marks
This movie is not currently in theaters.