Comedy-romance concocted from an old Tracy-and-Hepburn recipe, about two sensitive Manhattanites who both have the local habit of talking to themselves until they eventually discover each other. The woman (Anne Ditchburn) is a rabidly aspiring ballet dancer, driving her frail body to an early wheelchair, and the man (Paul Sorvino) a Daily News columnist who encounters heart-warming human interest stories on every street corner, a marshmallow version of the megalomaniacal columnist in The Sweet Smell of Success (1957), actually less like a New York newspaperman than a Mayor Beame spokesman for civic pride, decency, and fellowship. The tearjerker finale, during which the audience is beaten defenseless by Bill (Rocky) Conti's tumultuous ballet composition, has to be seen to be believed. Directed by John G. Avildsen. (1978) — Duncan Shepherd
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