Like the subject it represents, documentarian Sini Anderson’s cheerily rough-around-the-edges fanzine account of Kathleen Hanna, the punk rock visionary with the Valley girl accent, is focused, engaging, vastly profane, and paced at a lightning clip. The undisclosed reason for Hanna’s sudden departure in 2005 as lead singer of the influential band Bikini Kill is the impetus behind the film. With a wide variety of fuzzy VHS home videos to choose from, Anderson starts at childhood - dad made his embarrassment public and mom, a sadistic nurse, let her daughter hit the deck in a game of “trust me, I’ll catch you” — and takes us through a whirlwind history of third-wave feminists. The first to introduce the concept of unisex mosh pits, Hanna was also the one who provided Kurt Cobain with the title “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” (2013) — Scott Marks
This movie is not currently in theaters.