Anthony Perkins resumes the role of Norman Bates on the condition that he get to direct it himself. Not too awfully forbidding a task: he doesn't have to equal the original, only the first sequel. This he does, within an inch or so, one way or the other. Of course the original never needed (or deserved) a sequel in the first place, but this movie doesn't have to bear the brunt of that guilt, either. "Mother," we must face it, has gotten to be very old and burdensome; and the new plot turn of Norman-in-Love (with a backsliding novitiate) is only contemplated and not completed. There are some well-thought-out touches, but the would-be audacious ones are really just trashy. With Diana Scarwid and Jeff Fahey. (1986) — Duncan Shepherd
This movie is not currently in theaters.