Somebody's bright idea was to make a self-contained double bill in the 1930s Warner Brothers manner, the first half a fight film called Dynamite Hands (shot in dishwater black-and-white) and the second a backstage musical called Baxter's Beauties of 1933 (shot in premature color). It's an idea to make the movie nostalgist long for a perfectly straight treatment. But what the modish moviemakers have in mind, of course, is a spoof. It demands, in the moviegoer as well as in the moviemakers, only the vaguest acquaintance with 1930s movies and a solider conviction that those quaint old things were only good for a snicker anyway. With George C. Scott, Trish Van Devere, Barry Bostwick, Eli Wallach, and Red Buttons; written by Larry Gelbart and Sheldon Keller; directed by Stanley Donen. (1978) — Duncan Shepherd
This movie is not currently in theaters.