Swiss-born filmmaker Marc Forster focuses on the middle man (Billy Bob Thornton) in three generations of Georgia corrections officers. The film starts right out throwing haymakers -- first-thing-in-the-morning vomit, wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am sodomy, good-ole-boy bigotry, Death Row, the Last Walk, more vomit, a suicide, and a hit-and-run fatality -- before it settles down to a hesitant, awkward, muted interracial romance (with Halle Berry, a Death Row widow), and more vomit. By that time, it's all punched out. The electric-chair diaper is a new screen detail, if you're keeping track. With Peter Boyle, Heath Ledger, Sean Combs. (2001) — Duncan Shepherd
This movie is not currently in theaters.