Efficient little horror movie, in the creepy-crawly genre, keeps a level head and doesn't let matters get out of hand until nearly the end. Throughout the tightly regulated buildup, the most admirable quality on display is the towering dignity of Woody Strode, a weary rancher out of a Walker Evans photograph, who unhappily makes an early exit, enveloped in a spun-silk cocoon. Interesting efforts, too, from William Shatner, as a flirtatious smalltown veterinarian, and from Tiffany Bolling, as an untypically attractive entomologist. The latter goes against one of the firmest traditions of horror movies when she steps out of the shower, sits down at her dressing table, spies a tarantula rummaging around in the top drawer, and instead of shrieking, calmly begins to pet the little bugger. Directed by John "Bud" Cardos. (1978) — Duncan Shepherd
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