People who saw the original Invaders from Mars as children tend to have been indelibly impressed by it. People who see it again (or for the first time) as adults tend to find a lot to laugh at. Director Tobe Hooper would seem to be one of both of these; and his remake, as befits his current age, inclines steeply toward mirth. (It's par for the course to have the young hero watch Hooper's Lifeforce on television, or to name the local grade school after the director of the original version, William Cameron Menzies.) People who are very young, or who have never seen the first version, may be less attuned to the mirth. For their sakes, Hooper has made sure to renovate the movie for his own (ravenously materialistic and blankly unimaginative) times, fleshing out the stark Expressionism of the 1953 model with realistic backgrounds and gaudy special effects. It is a patronizing tribute. With Hunter Carson and (his real-life mother) Karen Black. (1986) — Duncan Shepherd
This movie is not currently in theaters.