An “eco-comedy” produced for television, this Canadian documentary began making the film festival rounds in 2010. Director, narrator, and all-around pervasive presence Jon Cooksey’s bombastically weisenheiming classroom film confirms how much fun saving the world can be, especially when armed with colorful computer graphics and ancient public-access television green screen effects that clumsily aid in illustrating your points. One more shovelful of Cooksey’s boundlessly patronizing sugar would have sent me into diabetic seizure. The film eventually gets around to imparting several valuable tips, but like the methane-belching, global-warming cows Cooksey suggests we cross off the menu, this downsized Supersize Me demands we swallow a lot of corn to get to the meat of the information. Another important message, this time cinematically savaged by an incurable case of glib irony. (2009) — Scott Marks
This movie is not currently in theaters.