Apocalypse happens within 48 hours of the titular sayonara being anonymously texted to over a million phones. Premises, premises. What begins with a lecture on revolution as a moral obligation quickly centers on a group of vested whiners stranded in a cabin while awaiting the rapture. Think the thirty-somethings from The Big Chill meet milder Road Warriors. When director and co-writer Denis Hennelly relies on giant soap bubbles and an even larger pink Teddy bear as metaphoric means to an end, the demise of civilization as we know it can’t come soon enough. One bright ray: Gaby Hoffmann, the John Hughes discovery whose career is experiencing a sudden (and strong) resurgence as she follows her dazzling work in last year’s Crystal Fairy with another gritty performance as a steeled politician just now climbing out from the crater that a sex tape scandal left on her career. (2013) — Scott Marks
This movie is not currently in theaters.