Something to do with the grooming of handsome young homosexuals to service the needs of a privileged class of Australian legislators and judges. The secret-society aspect, with its strict hierarchy, initiation rites, and arcane symbols, certainly appeals to the imagination whether or not to reason. It appeals, anyway, to the imagination of a fancier of Stevenson and of Conan Doyle. Director Michael Thornhill's eye for what goes on behind closed doors, for bodies and their accessories (leather ones especially), is genuinely sensual. And the whole thing is given a smooth supple glamorous wide-screen image the like of which hasn't much been seen since Radley Metzger went pseudonymous. The elliptical, economical method of storytelling takes a lot for granted, but that suits very well the world of secrecy into which we're permitted a glimpse, but only a partial glimpse. Mark Lee, Arthur Dignam. (1989) — Duncan Shepherd
This movie is not currently in theaters.