Disney-esque formula sports film, directed by Charles Stone III, about a hot-shot freshman on a full scholarship to Atlanta A&T, who needs to learn the meaning of teamwork. Except that the "sport" isn't football, isn't basketball, isn't even a sport; it's the marching band (motto: "One band, one sound"), pointing toward a competition of its own on the BET network. Orlando Jones, usually a cut-up, is excellent as the ramrod-straight bandmaster (or drill instructor) who stresses "musicianship" and the "classics": e.g., Earth, Wind & Fire, and not all this hip-hop crap. The drumming is probably more credible than any scripted athletic action could have been. Or anyway, any offenses against credibility are more apt to escape detection. Or anyway, any offenses are sure to be less egregious. In other words, who cares? With Nick Cannon and Zoe Saldana. (2002) — Duncan Shepherd
This movie is not currently in theaters.