Were it the '70s, the radio spot would begin, “In public, she was an Instagram model. In private, she put the ‘die' in diary. They killed her friends. They had her dog impounded. Now someone is fighting back!” Any story, even a five-minute chunk of one explaining how “influencers," models or otherwise, make money on Instagram would be welcome. But this isn’t that picture. Instead, a horror film transpires after a mysterious stranger steals Marie’s (Claudia Maree Mailer) diary and holds it for ransom. The gig must pay well for Marie to be able to afford a return to college, where she’s majoring in religion on top of volunteering at a psych ward. It’s there where the picture begins, with a group of mental patients enjoying President Obama’s 2010 State of the Union Address. Supporting characters come and go long enough to serve a simple function and move on, comparable to director Jennifer Geifer’s dismissal of any semblance of social media commentary. And it’s time we call a moratorium on any gags involving knives and bathroom showers. Next time, scare me like Hitchcock would. I dare you. (2020) — Scott Marks
This movie is not currently in theaters.